Backstage panic

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And yes they do kiss but they don't think about it until later after the show ;)

Tsukasa pov

I couldn't breath from the panic attack I was having.

"What if I mess up! I practiced for months I shouldn't mess up but what if I do... I'm a failure! I didn't deserve anything I have now! I'm a failure! I shouldn't be at this point! Why am I here why! WHY! WHY CHOOSE ME! WHY ME!" I yelled out not caring who heard me.

"Tsukasa-kun you aren't a failure! You deserve to be at this point!" Rui said hugging me comforting me.

"You are a star and if you mess up, who cares! I've messed up plenty of times and no one noticed or cared! You are a real star, just look at how far you've gotten. Tsukasa you are perfect the way you are, never change!" Rui said in a calming voice while holding my waist in a comforting way. I felt myself hug Rui closer then I thought I was.

"Thank you Rui. You don't know how much it truly means to me that you're doing this." I said smiling at the taller boy.

"Of course Fufu, I'd do this whenever you need it!" Rui said stepping back slightly. He then kissed me. The way his lips against mine felt right. I smiled into the kiss. (they aren't dating yet sadly 😔)

"Now fufu~ let's get onstage and perform king. You got this Kasa!" Rui said holding my hand and taking me to the stage entrance (it's called a wing btw bc I have done shows personally, and I am so sorry for the ~)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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