Losing Captain Man

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MIND DUMP. It's short, it's sweet, and it's muddled as fuck. Welcome to my brain!!

TW: Major character death, mentions of a gun, psycho Ray.

When a certain golden-haired boy with an endless amount of charm first teamed up with Captain Man, Swellview began to see a new him. Sure, he had been an excellent hero previous to a sidekick. But the people began to notice a different loving nature in their hero and were sure his legacy was soon to be written in stone.

But the inevitable, heart-wrenching day came when not only did they lose Kid Danger- and when Henry Hart was discovered to be dead people began to connect the dots- so with him went all the good inside of Captain Man.

It started with the simple things. Societally inadequate in a way that he would refuse to meet his fans, even going as far as to shred a kid's poster and dump the pieces on their head. But those were innocent times.

Times when a powerful, unstoppable man had morals. 

A news report came out a month later- they had found The Toddler burned alive in his lair. It was said to be an act of arson, with no leads. The week after that, Drex was shot to death, traces of jolly beetle juice present in the atmosphere. Witnesses began to come forward- they say that during the night his nemesis' were killed, Captain Man had been present in the area. 

But upon learning Kid Danger's killer, Doctor Minyak, disappeared... Well, it was far too obvious. The man who was indestructible had abandoned all his decency, and was out to destroy anything within his path. 

There were few that sided with the hero, claiming he had only finished what should have been done years back. The world was better off without psychopathic scientists and deranged manchilds. Granted, they were cynics of everything, previously naming Captain Man too brutal and violent.

However, the true tipping point had to have been when an innocent civilian... a bystander no less, was involved in an accident resulting from the vigilante's actions. 'Charlotte Page, a young and noble teen with dedication to studies and the community died during a freedom protest after an unjustful imprisonment uproared the people' as the news put it. Captain Man had been hired to keep control of the protest, ending the peaceful conflict by presenting a heinous one.

He was never one for dangerous weapons, despite his carelessness. And for the man to bring out a gun- that development shocked everyone. Charlotte was unfortunately caught in the crossfire. Despite being rushed to the nearest hospital, she was pronounced dead that night.

Half of a year past and two kids and many of Swellview's villains died due to Captain Man's continual failures as a hero.

The sudden revelation of their savior being none other than Ray Manchester himself soon became a secret too many had wished to be kept secret. Now, stories came out that a tall, scruffy man  targeted politicians in their homes. Corrupt politicians- Mayor Williard the first to go.

No one could figure out how to stop their Captain from then on. The indestructible man believed he was justified in everything he did, for if he were to let one criminal slip past the radar, a nation would be in turmoil. 

Thousands begun to meet their demise- some made petty mistakes, and others would've been locked in a cell for life due to their crimes. Any attempt to save them was futile, Captain Man going as far as to break into the hospitals and kill anyone in his path. 

Without his lovable co-worker and associate Henry, Ray was somewhat senile. A recluse in the night. More importantly, without Kid Danger, Captain Man became heartless. 

Immoral. Dangerous. A monster.

Perhaps, his humanity begun and inevitably ended.. all with the life of Henry Hart.

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