Chapter 1 - Snake vs Beast

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Zach found himself in what resembled a hospital bed.

"Isn't that just great. Atleast those lads didn't open up a hole or two in me, I'm already riddled with ailments as it is."

Hopping out of the bed, he fell face first as his ankle resisted this action entirely.

"Nearly landed on my nose!"

Looking back, he could see that he was chained to the end of the metallic framed bed. Dragging the bed alongside him also came to mind, but unfortunately, the bed was completely grounded, not even budging even a small bit.

"Either I've gotten weaker, or the bed is absolutely glued to the floor."

"It seems yer' awake, ya?"

Caught in the act of trying to pull the bed towards the door, a big figure blocked his only way out.

"It is obvious."

"Ya can't just go around breaking people's businesses apart, but still, yer an odd fellow for diving right into the meat! Like a true warrior. Ya have either got cowardly luck, or tha' heart of a champion!"

He folded his arms triumphantly, as if this is what he truly believed. There was not even a single follicle of hair on the shiny head, and he wore an eyepatch on his left eye.

"Right then... so what are you trying to be, a fooking pirate?"

"Yer comparing me to a pirate, the kings of the sea! My heart sorrows for you, warrior!"

"Is your thick head full of yourself or something?"

In response, the man tilted his head at the question, and decided to straight up, completely ignore it whatsoever.

"You know, I was supposed to bring you down to the ol' cinder block once you woke up, but I think I'll have some fun with you! Quite rare of an occasion I get such an odd looking fellow like you, so follow me, and let us bask in the glory of being proud warriors!"

"A fish doesn't know it has left the water until it can't breath, huh? Ah, fuck it, fine."

Heading out the door, Zach Nolan faceplanted for a second time on the warm wooden floor of the hospital.

"Ah right, let me get that for ya Spring!"

Having not just the hospital, but the entire town, Zach found himself in an empty green plains.

"Right, Spring, are ya' ready!"

"It's Zach."

"I sense the warrior within ya. From that look in yer eyes, I can tell ya have bested many foes in yer lifetime! This town is only full of the shoddy ruffians, and I'm lookin' for a challenge!"

The man tore off his shirt, ripping it to shreds as he pulled it off, revealing his big hairy stomach.

"What you need is a lawnmower!"

"A lauwn mouwer? Excellent, it sounds like a fantastic weapon!"

Dumb as a brick.

"Are you not going to join me, Spring? Yer' making me blush!"

"It's Zach. And as much as I want to strip, I'm rather opting to save it for my first time, you see, instead of the incredible bulk!"

The man reached out for a sword that had been at his hip the whole time, as if it didn't exist in Zach's mind until he had reached out for it.

"I don't suppose you have yer weapon, do ya? It's a shame indeed!"

He dropped the sword on the ground, letting out a loud CLANG as it hit the grassy terrain. It was rather small for a man like him.

Starting Life in Another World, with Autism!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя