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Roseanne was in a bad mood.

She had been in a bad mood the entire night before, she had been in a bad mood all day, and she planned on being in a bad freaking mood until the end of time. She was Grumpy the Dwarf. Screw that, she was the Grinch. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that if this damn barista didn't get her cup of coffee into her hand very soon she was going to gnaw his arm off with her bare teeth.

She's moved on.

Her mind rattled as she remembered the overly casual way that Charlie had shrugged as she said it.

That's what you're supposed to do, isn't it?

The thought still filled her with fury.

"Roseanne?" The barista called, scanning the crowd with little interest.

"Thank you, geez!" Roseanne growled as she snatched the cup. Guilt flooded her immediately at the sour look on his face, so she sighed and apologized. "Not your fault that I'm in a bad mood."

The young barista just eyed her wearily.

It had only been three months since she and Lisa had broken up, and Lisa was already dating this Niki person? How was that possible? Who the fuck was Niki? She didn't understand how it was that Lisa felt ready to date. Roseanne sure as hell didn't feel ready to date, though, suddenly, the inclination was growing.

The problem was, she hadn't been able to get more information out of Charlie, who had clammed up as soon as she let the announcement slip. All she had gotten from her was that the relationship was new, maybe not even a relationship yet. "I've only seen her around once," she'd said, and when asked about the notorious Niki, she called her "nice." That had left Roseanne spluttering, insisting that she was also "nice." Charlie had just given her a withering look.

Roseanne didn't know what she was supposed to do with the information. She really wished that she could go back twenty-four hours and not receive the little tidbit of news anywhere near her big audition. She was already enough of a wreck.

This was the polar opposite of her Christmas morning joy.

In her mind she had seen Lisa and this stranger constantly: lying in bed laughing, kissing under the tracks of the 'L', touching in her elevator. It was driving her crazy. This Niki — this fucking Niki — was dating her girl!

She was still grumbling when she crashed through the stage door and, as if fate was against her, she caught Ash's eye.

Roseanne didn't smile at her but instead marched across the floor. Ash seemed happier since she had heard Roseanne and Lisa broke up. She had reconnected with John, and thanks to that, she was always buzzing around when Roseanne was at work. It was aggravating. Everything was aggravating.


Roseanne sent Ash a glare as she appeared at her shoulder, a soft hand on her arm.

"Whoa, mama, calm. You just looked upset. You okay?"

"I'm fine," she grumbled, dropping her things with a crash.

"What happened?"

"Nothing fucking happened, okay?"

"Okay," Ash said uncertainly. "Do you want a hug? Come on, it seems like you could use a hug." Her voice was soft and sweet. As a matter of fact, it was softer and sweeter than it had been in a long time. Though Roseanne was sure she didn't want a hug from Ash, she realized she did want some kind of hug. "Come on, mama. Bygones be bygones 'n shit. Bring it in."

Roseanne let herself be pulled into a hug, enveloping herself in the scent of her ex.

"You wanna talk? I gots the time. I warmed up before I got here."

Gruffly, Roseanne wiped at her nose. "No. I'm good. But thanks."

The smile that Ash gave her was warm as she gave her arm a reassuring rub. "Okay. But I'm here if you change your mind."

"Okay. Thanks."

Ash left just as a chuckling John sauntered up.

"Shut up, John," Roseanne snapped, moving to pass him, but he caught her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground easily despite her kicking legs and swinging arms. Roseanne felt like a preteen girl caught by her annoying older brother. "Put me—putmedowngoddamnit!" she cried, muffled against his chest.

"No sightings yet," he whispered into her ear. "But I did finally get Charlie to go out on a date with me."

"Oh yeah?" Roseanne grumbled, straightening out her clothes and giving in to the gossip. This news was interesting enough to distract her.

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