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Their moans reverberated off the walls as their lips touched for the first time in months.

Roseanne's anger still pounded through her body, and she found that kissing Lisa, something she had wanted for so long, didn't soothe that fire. Instead, it fanned the flame.

She didn't give Lisa a moment to protest; she moved hard and fast, one hand locking on the back of Lisa's head while the other cupped possessively around the back of her thigh. She didn't have to pull Lisa to her, didn't have to part her lips; the moment her hands were on her, Lisa bowed into her body, crying out in surprise and molding herself to Roseanne.

Roseanne couldn't help the small, satisfied snort that she let out, pleased that her suspicions had been completely right. Lisa wasn't done with them, with this.

Lisa's hands balled into tight fists into Roseanne's sleeves, and for a moment she thought that she was going to push her away. But then Lisa gave a hard yank so that Roseanne was flush against her, pressed tighter than she had been before.

So Roseanne clutched at her, sinking her teeth into Lisa's full bottom lip roughly as Lisa's arms snapped around her, grasping her, one hand reaching for skin under Roseanne's shirt, her stomach, her back, her breasts. She gasped as Lisa's greedy fingers pushed under the cup of her bra so quickly that it made her head spin.

"You still want me," Roseanne growled, signing fast between their bodies.

Lisa's hands popped from Roseanne's skin instantly, eyes wide. "No, I don't."

"Yes. You do. I can't fucking believe it, but you do. After all of this time. You so do!"

"I broke up with you for a reason, Roseanne!"

Roseanne grinned, full of victorious confidence as she leaned forward and trailed her tongue along Lisa's bottom lip.

Lisa's eyes rolled back into her head for a moment before she caught herself and spun around in sharp dismissal. Before she could go, Roseanne caught her, burying her face in Lisa's neck, sucking and biting, relishing the taste of Lisa, the scent of her makeup and perfume. Lisa let out a delicate but validating cry at the contact. In the window's reflection, Roseanne watched Lisa's lips part, her eyes closing as she contorted, unable to stay still while Roseanne tickled the sensitive spot behind her ear. Lisa's hand twisted into Roseanne's hair, holding her tighter to her.

She let her hands slip across Lisa's ribs and graze her breasts.

Lisa's cry grew louder, deeper, as the sides of Roseanne's thumbs brushed across them, pinching lightly through the layers of clothing. Lisa's free hand clamped in a vice on Roseanne's thigh. Encouraged, she ripped open the tailored button-up, shoved the bra out of the way and cupped her breast. She wrapped the other arm around her waist, holding her steady as she sucked, pulling deeply on the spot Lisa loved between her ear and her hairline.

This was bliss. This was torture, both heaven and hell wrapped into one delicious moment.

"Ms. Park! How dare you!" Roseanne barely had a moment to think before, with a resounding smack, Lisa had slapped her across the cheek. Lisa's hands cupped her mouth, instantly mortified. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Roseanne! I'm sorry!" She stepped closer, her fingers gently touching the hand that Roseanne held over her aching cheek.

"Fuuuck!" She moaned, shocked.

"Oh my god!" Lisa's eyes were wide.

Roseanne was surprised when she let out a laugh. "I guess I deserved that." She was about to apologize if she had pushed against Lisa's wishes when Lisa stepped in close.

She pulled Roseanne's hand away from her face. "Are you okay?" Lisa ducked her head, trying to catch Roseanne's eye. Instead, she caught her lips again, soft and light and then firmer, her hand ghosting under Roseanne's shirt to knead her breast again.

Malice thick and ugly bubbled in Roseanne's stomach. She was outraged and hurt. She had claimed to want her, then dumped her, said she didn't want her and then wanted her, slapped her and then kissed her.

This was fucking ridiculous.

She pounced, pulling Lisa back to her, licking, touching, biting her bare skin, not at all surprised when Lisa's hand grasped her hair and pulled, leading her sucking mouth to her breast.

Roseanne darkly chuckled as her name fell from Lisa's lips. She spun her again, pushing them forward so Lisa's bare skin pressed against the ice-cold window. Lisa hissed, her back arching away from the cold, but Roseanne also heard a small satisfied snicker escape her taut lips.

Lisa turned in her arms, her hand back in Roseanne's hair, her lip curled as she snarled. "I've wanted to do this since you gave me that stupid look in the bar." Twisting a hand tighter in Roseanne's hair, she painfully wrenched the fistful back so Roseanne's throat was exposed. Roseanne gave a small grunt of pain that disappeared as Lisa trailed her tongue from the dip of Roseanne's collarbone all the way to the tip of her chin.

Roseanne's eyes closed, a shudder tickling down her spine as her breath turned to a gallop, the fury and resentment still boiling. She couldn't seem to get rid of it.

She needed to consume this woman, she needed to be part of her again. She needed to smack her, throw her, punish her for the pain she had caused. She needed to love her.

She shredded Lisa's clothes, barely bothering to enjoy the sight of her before turning her again. She found a sick pleasure in the shriek Lisa let out as she was pressed against the window once more, bare breasts and thighs seared by the icy glass.

Roseanne held her there, rejoicing in the way Lisa's arms reached behind her, clutching her as their mouths met over her shoulder.

Something warm was spreading under her skin, warm and yet dark and cold.

"Luke?" Lisa signed.

"Sleepover with the babysitter. I expected to be out late."

Pressing tighter, Roseanne let her hand find Lisa, almost buckling to the floor at the sensation, shocked at her arousal. She just couldn't believe it. She moaned into her shoulder as Lisa panted, tiny wisps of begging floating from her as Roseanne let her hand linger there, feeling, cupping.

Face in the brunette hair at the back of Lisa's head, breathing in her clean scent, she pushed, hard and fast, burying herself in this woman. She had surprised Lisa, making both of her hands slap onto the glass she was pressed against in order to brace herself.

Roseanne didn't want to be nice as she moved, pulling sounds from her ex-lover like she had never heard before. She didn't want to be gentle or sweet. Anger at the loss of her, at the betrayal of Lisa's final words rolled through her like a heat wave, so she went on at a punishing rhythm, grunting from exertion with each stroke, pressing herself into her as she did. She could feel everything in Lisa's body begin to tighten as Roseanne pounded into her, biting her neck, pinching her nipple, until Lisa shrieked.

She wasn't kind, and yet her arm snaked around her, holding her tightly despite the fact that she wanted to push her away.

Just when Lisa's cries reached their peak, Roseanne stopped, letting the budding orgasm wilt. Lisa cried out in frustration, but before she could turn Roseanne was back, drawing her close again.

She waited just a second longer this time, vindictively letting Lisa's body begin to tremble, her teeth in Lisa's neck, bruising, before pulling her touch from her.

Lisa growled, hands slamming angrily on the glass in front of her, forehead falling against the window as she snarled and spit.

Roseanne was back, swearing crossly as she only had a moment to before removing herself yet again.

"No!" Lisa whimpered, pressing as hard as she could into Roseanne.

The cruelty of denying her felt good. It felt good in a way that should make her feel terrible.

Roseanne smiled as the first tear dropped into the tangle of brunette hair. She grabbed Lisa, her face buried in the crook of her shoulder, and breathed her scent in. Sticky tears of sorrow spilled from her as she clenched Lisa to her, holding the one thing she had ever had to call her own besides her son - the one gift the universe granted her before so rudely taking it back. It only took three strokes before Lisa was unraveling, her head falling back onto Roseanne's shoulder, mouth open, her face twisted to bury under Roseanne's jaw, whimpering and panting her name. The word felt like a lover's caress down her spine, and she couldn't take it.

Roseanne's tears grew cold at the word, at the sight, at the tormenting beauty of Lisa's face. With a gut-wrenching sob, Roseanne turned away before Lisa was steady on her feet. Lisa buckled, startled as her support was gone.

She had to get out of here. It was all Roseanne could think. She had to go...

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