🐾Chapter 8: Guided tour🐾

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I got up at 6 am. Today is the first day in my life when I woke up early and happy. I immediately showered and changed. I don't use make up because I don't feel like it - I just started high school. My dad was still soundly sleeping and I couldn't resist the urge to tease him.

I filmed him and sent the video to mom. Due to the 1 hour time zone, she was already up and chilling in the hot springs. The reply came imidiatelly - she sent me tons of laughing emoji and then warned me to not to tell dad - he will send me home. I wished her great resting day since she really reserved it and I went to arrange our bags.

Dad woke up approximately half an hour later than me. We went to the hotel dining room and we stayed awestruck from the dishes that were offered to us. There were cereal, cake, pancakes, sausages, bacon, eggs, muffins, rolls and bread, tea and coffee, jam and butter, ham and cheese, pickles vegetable, normal vegetable, fruit salad and also chocolate fountain.

We fulled our plates with differend kinds of food and went to find our table. When we ate everything from our plates, we finally stood up and went to return the plates. Our guide was waiting for us next to the hotel gate.

Our guide group was put together from 3 people who immediately introduced themselves to us. The oldest of them was 50yo Carrine - she is guiding here for a long time so she will be going first. The next was Bon - he was 30 yo and he will be going in the middle of our tourist group, free for us to question him. At the end will go his wife Serraine who will be controlling that noone is lost..

"And now, when we introduced us to you all, some info coming up!" Carrine announced. Her voice sounded strictly but her kind smile said otherwise about her personality. "For the 30 years I am working here noone ever had worse injuries than a hurt knee, sprained ankle or chip in the finger. You don't have to worry because we guides are here not to save you, but to guide you through this maze of flying wooden bridges." she smiled kindly. "Also, stay with the group - it's hard to control 30 people. I believe everyone here is mature enough to not get lost." and with that she scanned the crowd with her greyish eyes.

"Let's get into the tour!" Serraine cheerfully announced.


When we went through the gate to jungle, I understood that info from some book is not enought to survive in jungle.

"On the right you can see Victoria Amazonica - giant lily pad flowing on the water. These flowers have strong roots underwater, that's why they stay still. However if the water is flowing too fast, the roots may break and the water lily will flow away and die." Bon said and pointed at big water lilies on some sort of lake.

" Bon said and pointed at big water lilies on some sort of lake

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Our walk continued for approximately 30 minutes. I stopped to tie my shoelaces and Serraine asked me if she should wait here with me. I told her that I'm just tying my shoelaces and the way now is just forward so no worries. She smiled at me and continued. Because I'm not professional in tying shoelaces, they were approximately 50 meters away from me when I finished. I quickly walked to them and when I was 20 metres from them I heard odd sound. It sounded like... Quiet walking.

I panicked because I didn't recognized the sound and tried to walk a little faster. When I was 15 metres away from the group I heard sound of something flying in the air.

In the next second I was on the ground under big fluffy body which was hella heavy. I heard some people scream. When I turned my head to the right, I saw tigers paw. It was tiger I'm sure. With corner of my eye I also saw it's face. It was normal orange tiger with big scar on it's right eye and I also saw it have big white spot on it's right leg.

Everything seemed so slow. Next thing I knew was I heard dad yelling something I couldn't really process that time. Now I know it was "Save her!". The weight on me lighted a little how the tiger got up and aimed it's paws with extended claws into my shoulder. I yelped in pain because this was unbearable. The tiger then put his head lower ready to attack me with it's teeth.

And from now on, I didn't remember anything more the pain in my neck and dark.



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What did I wrote?

Anyways, I hope you like this, let's go with the flow of the story and hope that Yn will survive.

I'm evil but I'll leave you on cliffhanger here.

Sorry 😔💜

With love, yours

Haeni 🦄🌿

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