Extra Credit

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"This is something worth investigating! My name is Aira Earth, and I study insects. Specifically spiders!"

"Okay, that's wonderful and all, but can I PLEASE get something for my bite?!" Emma asked.

"OH WHATEVER!" the bored teacher said as she left.

"Oh yes, sorry! Here" Aira Earth said. She wrapped a bandage around her hand, and put the other bandages back in her pocket.

"This is for spider bites, I carry it around with me, because I work with spiders." she said in answer to Lillian's inquiring look.

"Thanks Aira, anyway I would love to investigate this weird spider", she said "But we have to go to class right now! So see you!" Emma said. She liked the idea of investigating this spider, but she could not miss class, she had to become the smartest person in the class. (The smartest person now was Ellie Jones). Aira looked at them sadly. Lillian looked very excited, she wanted to go investigating, she didn't like school, she would have just loved to skip class for something like this!

"Awww! Please guys, we should find out what kind of spider this is, it might be poisonous! If even Aira doesn't know what spider this is, we should definitely find out." Lillian said. By the look on her face, Emma could tell that she wasn't going to give up on this.

"Yes, but it isn't our job to find out. Our job right now is to go to class. Ms. Morgen would kill us if we're late, and we already are!" Emma argued.

Aira looked very excited that someone was taking her side. Aira and Lillian looked at Lia, hoping that they would gain another ally. However, Lia was frowning slightly. She was thinking about which side she should take.

"Well...Emma is right, we can't miss class. BUT Ms. Morgen might let us skip class and investigate this for extra credit."Lia said. Emma considered this, but she really didn't want to investigate something like this. She would want to do something more for extra credit. She opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by Lillian.

"That sounds fabulous! Ok let's go!" she said excitedly.

"Wait! Ms. Morgen might not think that you're an actual person that studies bugs. She might think we're just trying to get out of class,"Lia said. Emma was very thankful for this. This might've been the end of the conversation. She just wanted to get to class. They were now 5 minutes late to class. If they were any later, they would get detention. She was definitely not going to become the smartest girl in the class if she was stuck in detention. However this gratitude did not last long, as Aira came up with a solution.

"Well I could show her the Card that I got from work!" she said happily. She was glowing with pride.

"Ok that's good, lets go now!" Lia said.

When they got to class, it was as Emma expected. They were now in big trouble. Why couldn't Aira just tell them her suspicions and save her conversation for later?

"Late girls? Well as you are more than 5 minutes, DETENTION." Aira looked nervously at the teacher.

" H-hi! I'm Aira, Aira Earth. W-well professor Morgen. I-I met these girls in the hallway, and they were talking about a spider that bit Emma here. It was a m-most strange and unusual spider. I myself have never seen or heard of it before...I thought th-that it was worth investigating..But if y-you don't think so..." She stuttered. She was clearly intimidated by Ms. Morgen's stern gaze.

"And how am I supposed to know that you are not just trying to get my students out of class?" Ms. Morgen said with a suspicious glare, "How do I know that you aren't some regular irresponsible teenager, trying to get my students out of class?", she asked.

Lillian looked excitedly at Aira, nodding encouragingly. Emma looked at Lillian, Lia, and then Aira. She was nervous. What if she said no? For a second, Emma thought she saw Aira smirk, but it had turned back into a nervous stutter.

"W-Well ya see, m-my work gave me a c-card! So it's, y-ya know ... .More official?" Aira said nervously.

"Show me this card." Ms. Morgen said. Aira smiled and pulled it out of her pocket.

Ms. Morgen looked at it for a second, and smiled. Emma could tell that she believed her now. She thought that if you had a card from work, you weren't a fake, and you were professional. Was she going to take them off detention now? And more importantly, what would be her answer?
"Well, I see, you are a professional" Aira blushed, "You may take the girls to investigate this spider. But just know Emma, this is an important lesson, and I didn't think you would miss this for anything! "She gave a little laugh. This was perfectly true, she would never miss an important lesson, or any lesson really, for the world. But today curiosity had gotten the best of her, and she was going to miss the lesson. She never thought that she would miss class for something like this. She only missed lessons or school days when she was sick. That had only happened 2 times during the year. It was very weird to miss class for something like this.

"YAS!" Lillian screamed. The whole class turned around to look at her. Even Emma and Lia looked at her. Lillian looked embarrassed.

"Sorry..Just excited"she mumbled. Emma laughed. Lia laughed too, then Aira started laughing, and then the whole class did too. The only person that didn't laugh was Ms. Morgen.

"Now really! This is a classroom!"She shouted. Aira stopped laughing and looked very alarmed. The class stopped laughing, and a few rolled their eyes.

"NOW GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!"She yelled. Aira hurried out of the classroom and motioned to the girls. Lillian and Lia left the classroom at once. Emma followed reluctantly. She didn't like the feeling of leaving the classroom, she didn't even leave to go to the bathroom! But still she followed.

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