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Meerab sat in the back seat of Saba's car as they were en-route to Hyderabad, the gentle hum of the engine serving as a backdrop to her turbulent thoughts as she cradled her lifeline, her daughter Meesam in her lap.

The passing cars outside seemed like distant shadows, their movements a blur against the haze of emotions enveloping her mind. Two years had passed since she last saw Murtasim, and yet, his absence felt like an eternity.

Her gaze drifted out the window, but instead of the bustling cityscape, her mind conjured memories of the past—the laughter they shared, the promises whispered in the quiet of the night, the dreams they dared to chase together. But now, those memories were tinged with uncertainty, overshadowed by the relentless questions that plagued her thoughts.

What if Murtasim had moved on? The mere thought sent a pang of anguish through her heart, a cold fear gripping her chest. What if he had found solace in someone else's arms, someone more deserving of his love? The image of Haya, with her infectious laughter and flatering gimicks, haunted her thoughts, igniting a fierce jealousy she struggled to contain.

But amidst the storm of doubt and fear, one unwavering truth remained—Meesam. Their daughter, her precious little miracle, nestled against her chest, unaware of the tumult raging within her mother's soul. It was for Meesam's sake that she had made to go back to Murtasim, to seek out the answers she so desperately needed.

The past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions, each passing moment only deepening her resolve. Meesam's injury had left her feeling helpless, lost in a world that seemed determined to tear them apart. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, a newfound strength had blossomed within her—a mother's fierce determination to protect her child, no matter the cost. Even if it meant to let go of her ego and self-respect just for the sake of her daughter and also for the profound love she felt for him.

Each day for the past two years had been a haunting memory she wanted to escape.

The cold nights without him by her side in the same room had made her feel so unsecure and helpless. Like she had been suddenly been taken away from the shadow of a tree and made to stand in the heat of the blazing sun.

But the fear lingered, a shadow that refused to be dispelled. What if Murtasim rejected them?What if he refused to accept Meesam as his own? What if he demanded a paternity test? She would not be able to bear that.

The mere thought brought tears to her eyes, her grip around Meesam tightening involuntarily that made the poor child whimper in her sleep. She couldn't bear the thought of Meesam growing up without a father, without the love and support he could provide.

"Meerab?" Saba's voice cut through her reverie, drawing her back to the present. Blinking back tears, she met her friend's concerned gaze in the rearview mirror, while Farukh glanced back from the front seat, his brow furrowed with worry.

"Tum theek ho na," Saba asked, her voice laced with concern. Meerab could only nod, her throat constricted with unspoken emotions.

Life had brought her to a crossroads she never imagined, forcing her to confront the depths of her fears and the strength of her love. But for Meesam's sake, she was determined to face the uncertainty that lay ahead, to reclaim the happiness she once thought lost forever but only if life life would be merciful on her.


Usky nazdeek gham e tark-e-wafa kuch bhi nahi

Mutmayin aise hai vo, jaise hua kuch bhi nahi

Kal bicharna hai to ehd-e-wafa soch ke bandh

Abhi aghaz-e-mohabat hai gaya to kuch bhi nahi

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