~Chapter 14 ~

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"So?" I ask, turning to my best friends

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"So?" I ask, turning to my best friends. Molly's face is a picture of shock, her eyes wide, while Eve maintains her signature poker face, though the surprise is clear in her gaze.

"Aren't you guys going to say anything?" I say, biting my nails anxiously.

"Well, I'm just shocked because this has been going on since summer. I mean, it happened in the summer, days before we got back, and when we asked you if anything eventful happened, you just said the usual," she says, going on a rant, expressing her emotions with her fingers, her eyes widening.

"Well, not the entire summer per se, but rather just about 9 hours. Within that timeframe, we kissed and he went down on me. You all know the rest since I've just told you," I said, laughing without any humor or joy.

"This is huge, Avi!" Molly exclaims, squealing and leaping up to mimic a Wonder Woman pose on the sofa where she was seated. "I mean, not the part where he lied to you and supposedly cheated on his girlfriend with you; we don't know that for sure, right Eve?" she says, giving her a crazed look.

Eve responds with a scoff, rolling her hazel eyes at Molly. "So, which side are you on, Molly? Because it sure sounds like he cheated on his girlfriend—whatever her name is—with Avi. Asshole, just wait till I get my hands on him," she adds. The last part is muttered under her breath as she contemplates seeing him.

"Woah... holdup"

"Aren't you guys upset that I kept this from you? I mean, I would be upset if you did the same. And the whole cheating on the girlfriend part—I feel terrible about it, which is why I isolated myself," I said, shrugging, not mentioning the part where I actually cared about the bastard.

"About the lying part, yes, I am mad about you lying; however, this is huge, like Rihanna performing for the first time in eight years huge."

"You had your first kiss, and your pussy ate," she said, whispering the last sentence. "Like gee I thought it would have taken you till forty before you let someone see or touch your vagina."

I cringe at her words and roll my eyes. Pelting the pillow in her direction, she dodged it, sticking out her tongue at me. 

"It's true," Eve chimes in, "If someone recounted the story you just shared and inserted the name Avi into the plot, I'd say cut the sh*t and stop spinning false tales," Eve said, rolling over with laughter.

"Not you too, !!" I said, squealing , my cheeks flushed. 

"I thought you guys were supposed to be either mad about me keeping the truth or counseling me about what a jerk he is and that I dodged a bullet, so we could probably find his house and toilet paper it, but the only thing you guys took away from all I've said is me kissing him and him going down on me."

"I kid you not, I still can't believe what I heard. Innocent Avi going rogue? I don't believe it," Eve said, still sobering up from her laughter.

"I've turned into a joke thanks to my two best friends, huh? What kind of friends are you guys?" I say sarcastically, glaring at them as their laughter fades.

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