Iman + ???

81 4 115

AN; Before we start the story I just wanna say that y'all should be happy! I'm doing this shit for you at Eid in my cousins house in secret 👹

Dia, don't show ur uncle this 🤧👍🏼

+ You're Welcome Iman Shake 😁

(Imans Pov;)

I was sitting in the loud lunchroom poking at my food, I look around me, seeing all the couples makes me wanna cry, my crushes are together, Mango x Mr. Rabbit, and Duckie x Orange Teeth...and it's not only them, there are so many couples and I'm still a single Pringle 🥺

I huff and put my head on the table. My friends Eshwa and Dia look at me. "You look EMO" Eshwa said, I side eye her and huffed out "Shut up Ms. Savage" I snicker about it but I go back Emo, Dia looks at me "Imagine both of ur crushes-" "shut the fuck up bitch" they snicker a bit

——————————The time skip we despise~————————-

Lunch was over and Mr. Adams Apple was picking us up, as we finally got seated in class, all the grade 7 lasses got called down to the gym

I wonder out loud to no one in particular "Why are we going..."

When we finally got to the gym, we notice our class was first so we sit in the front seats 🥴

I take out a book to read so I can seem mysterious even tho it's a smut book 🤪

When everyone got in there was some stupid introduction, the teachers were talking about some special guest

I mutter under my breath- "shut the fuck up, I don't care unless it's-"

The teacher says the name that was on the tip of my tongue- "Give a warm greeting to...JUDE BELLINGHAM!"

I gasp out loud and almost screamed, but I looked back down, I had to look mysterious so I can catch his O R B S 👀

As he gives off a speech, I listen to his seggsy 🥴 accent, the way he talks gives me butterflies 🦋

I notice he keeps on looking to my direction, as everyone else bombards him with questions he kept on looking back at me, only me!

I hear him say something to his bodyguard that makes me wanna scream he says "you see that girl over there? The one in glasses with the highlights? Yeah, yeah the tall one in the front row, bring her backstage after"

I gulp, oh gosh

—————Another Stupid TimeSkip (don't call me lazy 😁)—————

As everyone leaves the room, the bodyguard goes up to me "Mr. Jude wants to see you back stage"

This is it Iman I think to myself don't screw it up...

I go backstage and was met by the sexy king himself 😩

jUdE bElLiNgHaM~

I look at him, he's better up close, I speak up "Uhm you wanted to see me?"

He looks at me, up and down "yes, what ur name cutie" (I'm fucking throwing up writing this, Iman u owe me big time)

I'm blush "Iman, my names Iman"

"Last name?"



I frown, what does he mean wrong?

"You're last name is gonna be Bellingham in some time" he winks, I wanna scream, that made my heart face

I look down, he makes me look up again when he talks "I saw you in the crowd, you didn't seem interested in me, you were...different" (1D fanfics be like-)

I bite my lip profusely "Oh..."

He grabs my waist (ew) and looks into my shit brown O R B S~

"Will you be my Girlfriend Iman Shake?"

I gasp "Yes!"

Before I know it, his crusty lips connected with my equally crusty ones 👹💕

And that's when I knew a new love story started~

My love story~

Tee End



Gag...gaggity gag gag gaggggg

Never ever ever gonna do this again ever

Iman, you owe me big time for this 🤧

Anyways Eid Mubarak y'all 🙄💅


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