// m a g d a l e n a //

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Mornings were never Magdalena's strong suit. Every time her alarm woke her up, she let out a loud groan and tiredly threw arms about, trying to get it to shut up. No matter how far she buried herself beneath her blankets, she couldn't escape the inevitable: waking up.

After she finally got herself out of bed, she was onto a completely different impossible task. She sat in front of her mirror and sighed, trying to slick down her thick black hair that always knotted itself into a horrible mess throughout the night. After a few spells, and a few more curse words, she got her hair into a neat braid trailing down her back and slipped on minimal makeup as she hurried to pull on her school uniform, throwing shoes on as she ran out of the door, always running behind. 

"Lena, you're insane," Her best friend India hissed as she slipped into the chair beside her at the last possible second. India slid a muffin over, since Magdalena never gets up in time for breakfast herself. 

"How many days until winter break?" Lena whined, letting out a yawn as she slumped back in her chair.

India reached over and straightened Lena's red and gold tie, earning a grateful smile from her in return. Lena didn't know what she would do without India. The two girls met on their first day here and have been inseparable ever since. They bonded over Gryffindor running in their blood - Lena's father was a Gryffindor, her mum a Hufflepuff - both sharing a sense of pride of continuing the tradition. 

Professor McGonagall began teaching her Transfiguration lesson, leading into yet another dull school day. It took all Lena had to stay awake as she picked apart her muffin, eating it as she stared into space. 

"Psst!" Lena felt something small hit the back of her head as she began dozing towards the end of the lesson. 

She twisted around quickly, catching Fred and George Weasley - friends of hers - smirking at her from their seats behind Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. 

"What do you want, you idiots?" She hissed back, glancing forward to be sure McGonagall didn't catch them. She didn't want to spend yet another week in detention.

"Did you hear about the party on Friday?" Fred asked quietly, causing her attention to peak, as well as India's beside her. 

"It's at the Shrieking Shack," George wriggled his eyebrows as Lena's eyes widen. 

Everyone knew that place was terrifyingly haunted. You used to be able to hear sounds coming from it while you were in Hogsmeade late at night. It hasn't happened in awhile, but it's highly unlikely that it's any less haunted.

"Are you insane? That place is a death trap," India hissed, shaking her head in fear. 

"Rumor has it that it used to be haunted, but has been inhabited for a few years now," Fred shakes his head, nudging Harry on the back, which earned him a dirty look from Ron. 

India and Lena both shared a nervous expression. Whenever Harry Potter was involved, something bad always happened. Nothing against him, he's just bad luck. And judging by that little exchange, Lena was sure there was more to the shrieking shack than anyone was aware of.

"I dunno," Lena mumbles, biting her bottom lip. 

Lena enjoyed a good party just as much as the next person, maybe even more so. She had a bit of a reputation of being a party-girl. It wasn't her fault that she enjoyed having a good time. Though it was her fault that when she did have a good time, she got a bit out of hand. 

"Edwin Flannery is supplying enough firewhiskey to get the entire school drunk," George added, pulling the girls back in. 

Lena lets out a low sigh, shaking her head, though she couldn't keep the smirk off of her naturally dark-colored lips, 

"Fine, we'll be there."

"You all are idiots," Hermione finally chimed in, taking everyone by surprise. She wasn't the type to usually join in conversations during class. 

"Oh, lighten up, Hermione. It would do you good to relax a little," Fred threw a paper ball at her, causing the group in front of him to chuckle when she turned around and gave him the death glare. 

Even Harry and Ron were chuckling and whispering to each other about the party on Friday. It made Lena wonder who all was going to be there. She just hoped there would be at least a few cute boys. She had a new dress she was dying to have an occasion for. 

"I sure hope you're all discussing the side effects of the incantation multicofors back there so enthusiastically," Professor McGonagall said loudly, pulling everyone's attention back toward the front of the classroom in fear. 

"Of course, Professor. I think we found our passion," George joked, wearing a dopey grin on his face that causes Professor McGonagall to narrow her eyes in annoyance as the rest of the class snickered. 

"If you don't pay attention, I'll be sure to hold you all back this afternoon so you can tell me all about your new-found passion," She threatened before turning around and continuing her lesson. 

Lena looked over her shoulder and shook her head at her friends, unable to stop giggling. She never had to wonder why it is that she always was getting in trouble. When you're friends with the Weasley twins, it's rather inevitable. 

Returning her attention forward, she and India shared a nervous expression that was laced with excitement as well. This party on Friday gave them both something to look forward to. Now if only the rest of the week could pass by quickly. 

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