chapter five

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Against my better judgment, I decide I'm going to take a shower, despite being the only woman in a house of two very attractive, but more than likely dangerous men. Getting naked and willingly vulnerable is probably not the wisest decision. If these men have nasty intentions, I am basically throwing myself, wrapped in bacon, to the wolves.

With my world basically turned on its ass, I need somewhere I can orient myself. I need to make myself feel like something of my past, something as mundane as a shower, still exists. I watch the steam billow through the opened glass door of the shower that probably costs more than my monthly rent alone. This whole house, I realize, is something out of a billionaire's magazine.

Granted, I've only seen the bedroom and bathroom—but something tells me the rest of the house is just as fancy. The bathroom is pretty much all marble and glass with a touch of greenery of plants and potted trees here and there. The mirrors are round and giant, and I am forced glances of my disheveled self in disbelief. I look like a completely different person. Bags hang beneath my once bright golden eyes, which are now dark and dull. My hair looks stringy, where it once was a dark wave of silk from my very strict hair care regime. My plump lips are chapped and dry, peeling at the edges and screaming for some lip balm.

Everything about me looks lifeless.

It's crazy what you look like after someone tells you earth shattering news, things that make you question everything you once believed.

I don't even look like myself, it's as if I'm seeing my own face in a dream.

I pull myself from the mirror and turn towards the shower and I reach my hand in, assessing the temperature. Before I step in, I hear a soft knock on the door so I pull a towel from a rack and wrap myself up. The door opens just as I'm covered and Soren pokes his body in, but not without his eyes giving me a once over. I pull the towel tighter, suddenly insecure and with my defenses raised.

"When you're done with your shower, Ash will cook up some chicken and rice if you're hungry."

"Okay." He stands there for a moment, his eyes searching mine before he opens the door and welcomes himself in. I step back, putting a cautious distance between us.

"I told you I'm not going to hurt you."

"Words mean nothing to me. You snapped my neck, remember?" I pull the towel even tighter, suddenly aware of how it barely covers my bottom half. I'm sure if he saw the back of me, he'd get an eyeful of my ass.

He makes his way to the drawers in the vanity, but I'm backed against the wall so there's nowhere for me to go. I'm suddenly aware of our proximity. I spot the toilet next to me and decide if shit goes south, I can grab the slab of porcelain from the back of the seat and smash it over his head.

I also notice he changed out of his long sleeve button up and dress pants, and now wears a short sleeve black shirt and a pair of jeans. I try to look anywhere except him, but it's impossible. He's a magnet for my eyes. His forearms flex as he opens the drawer, his hands nearly double the size of the handle.

"I'm just trying to be a good host," he says, giving me a smile. "I put your toiletries in this drawer and your hair and body products are already in the shower. I gave you my room because it's the only one upstairs besides Ash's. I'm gonna be downstairs so I can know if anyone tries to come and take you."

I manage a nod and ignore his hypocrisy as he is the first one to take me, but don't say anything. I want nothing more than for him to just leave the bathroom so I can breathe normally. 

"I guess I should have grabbed you a bigger towel, huh?" He tugs at the bottom of the fabric, his fingers brushing against my bare thigh. I shiver but manage a nod.

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