8: Only Temporary

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I leaned my bike against an old-looking tree. Duncan got mad because he wanted to put his bike there, but my old, discolored bike fit the tree more than his bright blue one that worked like new. We went inside, where I started to play Go Fish with Isadora and Klaus. Quigley and Duncan were learning to cook with Sunny while Kit was upstairs planning something.

"Do you, Isadora Quagmire," Klaus started dramatically, "Agree to... Give me a five."

"Go fish, Klaus," Isadora said with a giggle. I also laughed at Klaus but wondered how Isadora Baudelaire would sound. I grimaced then smiled. If you were there you would think I was eating my favorite and least favorite food together.

"V-Violet," Isadora was waving her hand in front of me. "Do you have a seven?" I jumped and looked at my cards. I had a two, eight, nine, six, and seven. I gave the seven over. Isadora happily put her match in front of her. "I'm going to win!"

"Not unless I-" Klaus started. He was cut off by a ring a doorbell would make. Kit ran down the stairs.

"I'll get it!" She said, running to the door and opening it.

"CPS! I got a call for mistreatment among the kids in your house," The man at the door said.

"You must have the wrong address," Kit said confused as to why child protection services were at the door. The man stepped back to look at the address.

"Nope, right house," He went through the door, shoving Kit out of the way.

"How old are you?" He asked me, holding my arm like he was my father. I tried to wiggle my arm out, but his grip got stronger.

"Fifteen," I sheepishly said. He dragged me to the door. He ended up dragging all of us to the door except Sunny.

"Stop!" Sunny said, but the man closed the door and led us to a big van, meant to fit ten people. We got in because we had no other option.

"I'm scared," Isadora whispered to me when we were sitting down, and he started moving. I nodded my head in agreement.

We turned into unfamiliar and familiar places. I tied my hair in the ribbon I had, thinking what I could invent to get us out this van. Nothing. I sighed and kept trying.

We stopped at an old rickety building that looked like it would fall any moment now.

"I'm scared-er," Isadora nudged up against me. I smiled.

"You might be okay," I said, looking around where we stopped.

"Saying might doesn't make me any more confident, Violet," Isadora rolled her eyes at me but was still scared despite the rudeness.

"Well, for some people it's the opposite, like me," I said, looking down sadly even though I wasn't sad except for leaving without Sunny and Kit, which I think Isadora will never get over and write twelve-hundred thousand poems about them.

"Then you are an optimistic person," Isadora checked if she still had her poetry book in her right pocket. She did so she took it out and wrote a poem. "Anyway, this is my poem!" She held p the poetry book so I could see what she wrote.

I have been taken away,

But hopefully for just the day.

Is what it said. I swallowed.

"We would be lucky for just a day, heck, even just a week here in this stupid building." I said after I had read the couplet Isadora wrote.

"I agree," Isadora said, putting the poetry book back in her right pocket again like it was before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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