3. New Beginnings.

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3 Years Later

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3 Years Later...

Sun cast its golden rays across the
cityscape, illuminating the towering skyscrapers that housed some of the most influential companies in the world. Among them stood VermaTech Industries, a technological powerhouse helmed by none other than Anaisha Verma - a woman who had risen from tragedy to become one of the most respected minds in her field. Yet despite her successes, there was still an emptiness inside her heart that no amount of wealth or accolades could fill.

As dawn broke over the metropolis, Anaisha found herself standing atop the highest floor of her corporate headquarters, gazing out at the sprawling urban jungle below. It had been three long years since she last ventured into public life, choosing instead to focus on building her empire while raising her precious daughter, Anayra.

As the breeze rustled through Anaisha's hair, she couldn't help but feel a sense of Anxiety mixed with excitement. For so long, she had hidden away from the world, consumed by grief and anger following the tragedy that happened three years ago. But now, as she watched the city awaken beneath her, something stirred within her soul - a desire to reclaim what was taken from her and seek justice from those who wronged her.

Anayra giggled playfully nearby, Anaisha knew that it wasn't just about avenging her own pain anymore; it was also about protecting their future together.

Anaisha took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle upon her shoulders once more. With Anayra's laughter echoing around her, she knew that there was no turning back now.

"It's time."

she murmured softly to Neha - her PA and her one of the closest people, her voice barely audible above the din of the city below.

"Time for me to step out from behind my desk and face the world again."

Neha nodded understandingly, knowing all too well how difficult this decision must have been for Anaisha. After everything they had endured together - both good and bad - it seemed almost surreal that they were finally embarking on this new chapter in their lives.

As Anaisa spoke, her resolve strengthened with every passing moment. She knew that stepping back into the spotlight would not be easy; there were many who sought to undermine her authority and challenge her position as CEO of VermaTech Industries. But this time, she wouldn't let anyone stand in her way - especially not those responsible for her downfall 3 years back.

"Very well," Neha replied, her tone reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"But before we proceed any further, perhaps it would be wise to review your security measures."

She glanced around the expansive office space, noting the numerous windows that offered panoramic views of the city but also served as potential entry points for intruders.

Anaisha nodded solemnly, acknowledging the importance of safeguarding both herself and Anayra from harm.

As Anaisa pondered over Neha's suggestion, she realized that her current security measures might not be sufficient to protect her and Anayra from potential threats. She needed a plan - one that would keep them safe while allowing her to continue running VermaTech Industries effectively.

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