Epilogue: The Heavy is Dead!?

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Gott hilf mir... I failed him.

They tell you not to get too attached when you sign up for this job- heh, not that I ever needed telling... Not until now.

I've never needed it more. Someone who'll reprimand me, strike me across my irritatingly tearful face and tell me he was expendable, worth nothing, a minor loss.

Archimedes cartoonishly pops out of his chest cavity, perhaps in an attempt to remind me of easier days. But all I feel is regret. Regret that I didn't keep that fucking drecksau's head strapped to a slow sadistic death at the bottom of my freezer. Regret that I didn't ever kill him, even after the respawn went offline. My loyal dove senses this self hatred, and returns to my shoulder, offering at least a sliver of solace.

Verdammt, Ludwig! Why can't you focus on the task at hand, and leave this pointless loathing buried deep where it used to be? He's gone. Mikhail is gone. And no amount of hippocratic oath dodging medical bullshittery is going to help reverse the irreparable damage to his-

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