32. Speak in Kisses, to Those Around You and Those Up in Heaven

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"And that's really all I can remember before I woke up," Frank finished, sighing.

Gerard had listened, utterly capitivated, as Frank recounted the story of what he'd experienced while being turned, on the brink of death. Frank vividly described how he'd been enveloped in white light, unable to perceive his physical form, and the way Ray's faraway voice had come to him, encouraging him to return to Gerard.

"So, do you think that means there's some sort of afterlife?" Gerard wondered. "Or do you reckon it was just your brain fighting to keep yourself alive."

"I'm not sure," Frank said, shrugging softly. "Maybe there is a heaven up there of some sorts. Surely there isn't just nothing, right?"


Frank paused for a moment, pondering this further.

"If there is a heaven," he said tenderly, "then Mikey would be up there too. Maybe he and Ray could meet each other."

Gerard smiled warmly, patting Frank's back.

"I think they'd both be pretty proud of how far we've come."

Frank nodded, glancing at Gerard from underneath his hair.

"Perhaps I ought to visit Ray's family. Ray's mom especially," he mused, tucking his fringe behind his ear. "Just to say 'Happy New Year.'"

"We can do that later today, if you want," Gerard suggested. "We don't have to be at the train station until around four."

"Yeah," Frank agreed. "I think that might be nice, even if I just drop in to say a quick hello, see how they've been doing."

Frank climbed the steps to the Toro family's front door, tapping on the hardwood gently. He glanced around the street; the neighbourhood hadn't changed one bit since he'd last been there, roughly ten months ago. He didn't have to wait long before the door swung open.

A stout, motherly-looking woman gazed at Frank with kind eyes. Her curly brown hair was pulled back into a tight bun, the streaks of grey at her temples shining through. She adjusted her reading glasses on her nose.

"Frank," she said breathily. "This is a nice surprise."

"Hi, Mrs Toro," Frank said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Where have you been?" She wondered, reaching out to take his hand. "I haven't heard from you in ages. Come inside"

"I've had a lot going on, Mrs Toro," Frank said respectfully. "I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I have to go get ready, I'm seeing the ball drop in Times Square tonight."

"Oh really?" Mrs Toro asked. "That's lovely, are you going with anyone?"

"My boyfriend," Frank said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Oh, how wonderful! How long have you two been together?"

Frank paused for a moment, counting the months in his head. It was hard to remember; his and Gerard's relationship was complicated, after all.

"We've been seeing each other since late October," he settled on, "but we didn't make it official until November. So just over a month."

"That's nice," Mrs Toro said with a smile. She left Frank in the comfortable living room while she disappeared into the kitchen. Frank felt a little taken aback by his own words; had he and Gerard really only been officially dating since November? Even if he rounded it back to October, that was barely two months. He felt like he'd known the vampire for much longer.

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