Chapter 14 A surprise

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Next day

Kiansha's pov

I am in my bedroom doing some work in laptop.

Now that my college is over I have to prepare for my internship.

And for that I have to get accepted by a good company.

My internship will be in Canada.

But there's time to that.

And in mid time I will live here to take care of Papa.

He said he is fine now. But I am not gonna leave him this soon.

He can say whatever he wants but I will be here to take care of him.

Hmm.. I get up to strech my limbs.

I have been working for quite some time.

I am just roaming in my room to releive the tension in muscle due to constant sitting for hours.

It is when I noticed the chocolate box on my bed side drawer.

This is the same box I bring along with me from Canada.

Yes the one which my stalker send me.

I don't know why I bring this here.

I couldn't have left it there. Because then it would have been wasted..

I haven't open it yet.

So I decide to eat some chocolate from it.

I open the box and take one chocolate out of it.

Should I eat this or not...?

I examine the chocolate to see if anything is wrong with it.

But it seem completely fine...

I take a bite hesitately .

It's....good... Very good...

But it is just a normal box of choclate that can be bought from any shope.

But it is actually good. Really good.

Must be an expensive one.

As I was eating the chocolate while think about him.

He must not know that I am here.

I giggled at this thought.

He must be thinking where I vanished.

Poor him.

He can't send his little gifts here.

And I am little relieved at this thought.

Because I don't want to receive any gifts from my stalker in front of my family.

They would freak out.

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