Chapter 29 Past {part -2}

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Kiansha's Pov.

She died while giving birth to me....

My mother died because of me.

I was the cause of her death.

These are the things my mind repeating again and again.

Vik seems to sense something is wrong, he squeeze my one hand which he was holding.

“And my father?” I ask with a blank mind.

I am feeling too many emotions and nothing at all.

“After Kirtika’s death Anshuman was devastated. He lost his love. But you give him a reason to live. To be happy again” Papa says.

“You were Kirtika’s last gift to him. He loved you more then anything. And he named you ‘Kiansha’ because it was a name which was made from both of their names. ” papa says with a small smile.

“He took care of you more then anything. I remember when he was on work he used to call every 10 minutes to ask how you are doing.” mumma says with a smile.

“He used to spent his evening and weekend by taking care of you. He had to be a father and a mother at the same time.” papa says.

“And he never want to leave you alone. Even when I insisted that I will take care of you, he refused saying he will learn everything for you. You were the only thing that kept him happy and distracted from the lose of his wife. I was also suffering from the lose of my sister. But it was nothing in front of his lose.” mumma says with a sad smile.

“He was so stubborn. And you get it from him” she says again and I smile at this.

My father and mother sounds nice people. I wish I could meet them.

I will have this regret that I don't have any memories of them.

“Everything was perfect. Going well for one year. But one day, when he left you with me as he went to work, I took you and Nil and Abhi to a hill station for picnic. And it was the worst mistake of my life to go alone ” mumma says.

“What happened that day?” I ask.

“When we reach on the hill station, I set a mattress on a spot under a tree and sat you there. But I forget my phone so I had to go back to car to take it. I left you three there because I thought it was safe.” she says.

“But I was so wrong. I shouldn't have left you alone there. As I made my way  back I was on phone with Anshuman as he was asking about you and when I reach the spot I find that Nil and Abhi was laying on ground unconscious and you were nowhere to be found.” she says as sadness hover on her face.

“And as I was on phone, Anshuman get to know that you are missing so he rush to there leaving everything. I look around for you first thing but didn't find you. And after that I check both boys and saw that they were unconscious so I sprinkle some water on them and shake them up. But they didn't wake up. I called Rajesh ji and He and Anshuman reach there shortly.” she explains.

“Rajesh ji took boys to hospital and me and Anshuman looked for you everywhere but found you nowhere.” she says now crying.

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