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I just realised I used the wrong name for Alexandra so, sorry about that!

Anyways let's thank you all for reading the story so far, and I'm so excited to write more!


Alexandra's POV

I got my mum to sign the paper and a few days later, my mum is driving me towards the school where a bus is waiting and quite a few other students waiting around it. As we park I notice Ashley, Tyler, Taylor and Logan there.

My mum turns to me, "Oh those are the friends of yours right?" She asks.

"Yeah, I was pretty sure they were coming but it's good to see them here already." I say.

I get out of the car and grab my bag as I head towards my friends.

It seems I got here just in time as I just got next to Ashley when I hear the teacher say, "Alraight, everyone start filing onto the bus. We're getting ready to leave for savannah in T minus five!" What now??

We get in and I sit alone in a seat, behind me are Tyler and Taylor, behind them Ashley and Aiden and at last, behind them, Logan and Ben.

"Okay everyone, I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time. It takes eight hours to get to Savannah.

In about four hours, around noon, we'll stop to get something to eat.

Once we get to savannah, you and your groups will have two hours to eat, go on tour, look at historic monuments, explore the area, goof off etc. After, we'll all meet back up at the bus and head to the motels. Everyone who has a phone has added Mr. Lee's, Mrs. Sarah's, and my number correct?"

Most of us reply to him with, "Yes"

"Alraight, then let's get this show on the road!" Teacher says.

What an odd guy...

As the bus begins to move I look around and try to think of something to do. I have my guitar sitting next to me but I am not about to be one of those annoying people that play instruments in a bus. So I decided to pull out my camera. I love filming videos and have them as sort of memories I can go back to.

I turn it on and look over my seat and see Taylor and Tyler on their phones. I raise my camera and get Taylors attention by saying, "Taylorrr".

She looks up from her phone towards me and notices my camera and smiles and waves. I smile at her and focus the camera on her. She then suddenly points to her left and I turn my camera there and zoom slightly, catching Tyler's face, while he looks bored at his phone.

As if sensing our looks he looks up and sees Taylor taking a picture of him on her phone and me filming on my camera.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looks me straight in the eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it," I smile at him.

After a while, everyone winds down and is doing their own things. I eventually just started working on my playlists and just listening to music.

After a few hours, we get to a fastfood place and get half an hour to get food.

You can imagine the chaos of a bus full of teenagers who have been sitting down for like four hours since the early hours of the morning. So to say it was... an experience is a mild way to put it. 

Tyler Hernández x ocWhere stories live. Discover now