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Hello, my name is Yumi.
I am a normal girl like all of you. I live in everyone's dream country called Korea.
But even though I live in Korea, I like to live a simple life with lots of happy things.

But one day suddenly something happened to me that shattered my dream of living this beautiful life.

He is the person who came into my life and changed my life and I can go ahead and decide whether it can be called the biggest mistake of my life or the biggest happy moment.
That man is Jungkook.

That day I came home late at night as our cafe was closing at 12 o'clock.
I was walking towards home when suddenly a man dressed in black came running towards me and hit me hard on my shoulder. with the bag in his hand.

He was so scared that he didn't know where to go and I was so scared because all of a sudden this was happening to me.

His head started bleeding suddenly. he had a big wound on his head. I put my trembling hand to his nose to see if he was alive or not. I thanked God so much that he was alive.

I started thinking what to do next? I couldn't just leave someone dying and if I took him to hospital he would have a case against me.

As my dad was a doctor I knew a little about medical so I somehow managed to get him to my house as luckily my house was nearby.

I took him home and bandaged his head and fell asleep. Wondering if I should ask him how all this happened with him?

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