The First Fight

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*tw violence*

It's the first day of my being at the care home, and I've been here for 3 hrs and it's already hell. Some girl wants to fight me already because I looked and her. Like girl what? Oh well. I have my room thank god but these doors don't have locks, lucky I have nothing I care about. The food here is disgusting I had breakfast and I'm telling you the porridge looked like barf EW. You probably think I'm weird for not being all depressed about my mom dying but if I'm being honest I don't care. My mom was a horrible person. She didn't care about anyone but herself no wonder my dad didn't stick around. I wish I was left with my dad rather than my mom she always went on about him being a terrible person but no one is worse than my mom. My dad wrote to me till I was around 5 but then suddenly stopped I don't know why I thought maybe he had moved in life but I still have all his letters. The weird thing about my dad's letters though is that he never said anything about where he lived or his name or anything about himself. I don't know maybe he just didn't want me to know about him knowing that I'd never get to meet him.

Time skip-

It's now dinner time and all the kids are sat down at the rectangular dining table. I didn't talk to anyone at the table I just wanted to focus on eating. And to be honest I'm not here to make friends. The only thing I did was ask people for things I asked a girl to pass me the bottle of juice that was next to her and that was about it. I spent most of the meal in silence until I heard the girl from earlier talking about me. It's the one who said she wanted to fight me just because I looked at her. I heard her laughing with 2 other girls whilst pointing at me. 'Omg look at her hair did her parents not care about her how did they let her out of the house like that' The girl who wanted to fight me says. I turn to her and say 'Do you not have anything better to talk about'. She looked at me shocked like she hadn't expected me to say anything. 'Who do you think you are talking to?' says one of the other girls with her. Are these girls serious? 'I'm talking to your little friend, yeah you don't look so shocked' I say to them as the firm who wanted to fight me starts to look confused as if she wasn't just chatting about me. 'If you wanna go then let's go' the girl from earlier says. Is this girl serious she's a brunette little girl probably a year older then me what is she gonna do? 'Okay then let's go outside back backyard now' I say to her. Then everyone gets up from the table and goes out to the backyard. We are now both standing opposite to each other on either side of the yard. Some people on my side and some on hers had not seen a fight in a while as most people had their phones out recording. The brunette again started talking more and I didn't care what she had to say. I just started tying my hair up into a bun so there is no way she could yank my hair. Once the girl I was fighting saw she then tied her hair into a ponytail and we started walking towards each other. She started then came at me starting the fight. She started pushing my back wards I heard cheers and boos from the people around us as the fight starts. She steps back at one point and I take it as my chance to punch her. My first then collided with her face people cheering and yelling at the sight. She grabs the side of her face for a second and then readies herself again. Clearly, this girl wasn't giving up so easily. She then tries to pull my hair my first instinct is to slap her across the face. She then kicks my legs and tries to pull me to the floor. Which is not going well for her as I'm not on top is her. We hold eye contact for a couple of seconds until she tries to pull my hair her hands still being free. She got a good grip on my hair be honest because it did hurt. After that, I just saw red. I started punching at her over and over again. People were screaming and cheering at me winning. She then manages to roll over so she's now on top of me. Shit, I think to myself I'm done for. I try kicking at her it's not doing much damage but it's doing something. She punches me in the eye i feel my eyebrow start to hurt but I don't care I punch her in the stomach and that's the last thing I remember before we got pulled apart by the staff members. Well, now we're in deep shit...

Authors note - Sooo guys i hoped you liked this part it's kinda violent for the most part but it's gonna make sense later trust me.  I feel like things are gonna take a turn in the next part but yeahh you'll see . wink wink. Xoxo

Word count - 930

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