Dakota - 3 🖤

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I immediately ran over to my locker and watched as everyone that was there file out of the meeting room and into the truck room. In a quick second I estimated that we had at least fourteen of us going and realized that out of me, Sawyer, and Theo, I was most likely to get booted off the truck being the lowest man on the totem pole. I paused and set my gear on the ground while watching everyone get into one of the two trucks, and realized it was just me and Theo, “well looks like neither of us got to go.” He looked at me with one of his crooked half smile, he started looking around and eventually his eyes landed on the open garage door and walked over to close it. I just stared at him for a second then as soon as he looked in my direction I turned back to my locker, I could hear him walking over to me and I started rehanging my jacket. “Hey,” he walked over as I stood there to try and steady my breathing as I felt his hands slowly fall on my hips and spin me around to look at him and my breath got caught in my throat “h-hey, um you, I, this, we’re um close.” He looked at me giving me his shit eating grin and I couldn’t think straight, my eyes were darting all over the place not knowing what to focus on, when he gently grabbed my chin and pulled my face closer to his until our noses were touching, “you’re beautiful.” I smiled at that being that I never get comments on how I look, and breaking my train of thought he pulled me in and kissed me, and when he finally pulled away we just stared at each other for a minute. “You taste like cherry,” “I- um thank you?” I looked down fixating on his hand not paying attention to anything until I looked back up and realized he had me by the hand and was leading me up the stairs, it felt like I had literal butterflies in my stomach. He turned the lights on in the one empty room we had upstairs only to reveal that he had made it into another little bunk room for me, I wasn’t allowed staying the night because we only had one bunk room and it was for the guys, and me being the only girl I wasn’t allowed staying there. “What do you think?” He was standing in the doorway waiting for me to respond but I couldn’t all I could do was stare, it was amazing, he had all the little paper flowers I had made on string and they were all over the walls along with fairy lights and all the polaroids of me, him, Sawyer, Kade, Logan, and the one picture I had of us all sitting in the truck room on Christmas when we got a call for a structure fire, “It’s amazing!” I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and he stumbled to stand up straight, I finally loosened my grip on his neck and we stood there, my arms around his neck and his around my waist, just gazing at each other when we heard the garage door open and started walking hand in hand over. We stood on the balcony and I felt his hand slip out of mine as soon as everyone got out of the truck and watched as he walked down the steps. I followed him slowly around to look for Sawyer and Kade, and when I saw them I was a little worried, sure they get a little shaken up after every call, but this, this was way more. “Sawyer? Kade? Hello? Guys what’s wrong?” It’s like something in Sawyer broke because next thing I knew he was yelling in my face, “DO YOU EVER JUST FUCKING SHUT UP?!” I just looked at him, I couldn’t move and I could feel the tears start slowly taking over and blurring my sight, but I didn’t know what to do, luckily Theo stepped in, “HEY! Why don’t we just take a walk and try to calm down, okay?” “NO! Just because you’re worried about Miller and stuck in a world where she’s the only one that matters doesn’t mean the rest of us are! So please take your stupid ‘we love you and are one big family and care about each other’ bullshit elsewhere! Or leave me the fuck out of it!” He turned and stormed out with Theo hot on his trail and I went to follow them but Kade stopped me, “Look, just let them go. Sawyer he, um, he saw some stuff tonight and just needs to be alone.” I nodded and walked to the meeting room, it now only being 11, I walked out the back door and to the ladder leaning against the building next door. I looked up at the roof and started climbing and in my mind all I was thinking was one foot in front of the other. Once I got to the top I just stood there, I always loved standing up here when there was nothing else I had to do. The sun was already set but the town still looked beautiful. We were on top of the hill so you could see everything from our town to the ones next to us. I walked over to the edge and jumped up onto it and was just standing there. It was peaceful, almost perfect and when I heard someone come up the ladder I turned around to see Theo and behind him Kade and Sawyer. “Oh hey guys,” I waved at them. Kade held my keys out and dangled them on his hand, “We didn’t want you to be locked out,” he threw them over to where I was and I wobbled on the edge and almost fell backwards and I watched as they all ran over to me and I finally steadied myself. “Don’t worry I’m fine,” I laughed as they all breathed a sigh of relief and Sawyer looked to see Logan walk up behind them, “Yeah maybe now but get down before you get hurt.” “I’m fine watch,” and I did a cartwheel on the edge and stuck the landing when I felt the rock that my heel was on crumble.

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