Theo - 4 💙

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We all watched as she stood straight up then my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach as we watched her fall off the side of the building. I was the first to run over where she was standing and looked over only to feel sweet relief, she was on her back on the first floor roof of the building. “See, I told you I’m” she took a pause and had a coughing fit, “fine. I’m fine.” She flashed us one of her big cheesy grins and we all, relieved, started laughing and I looked down to see her pushing herself up when we all heard cracking and all of a sudden she was yelling “THEO!” My heart sank as we watched her fall into a pit of darkness and I grabbed the edge of the roof and went to jump over it when Kade and Sawyer grabbed me and pulled me back, “Theo we don’t even know what’s down there!”  and once I got to my feet I ran to the ladder and started climbing down skipping half the steps. I got to the bottom and ran around to where the one door was and started kicking it to try and break it down but eventually gave up and ran to the truck to get an ax, I was overwhelmed but finally found one and started running back to the door. Sawyer tried taking the ax from me after I had a failed attempt at breaking the door after the initial swing and he finally got the door to break down. The moonlight, pouring out of the hole in the roof, let everything become visible and I realized there was a pool and that’s what she had fallen in and I was relieved for a split second when I realized she wasn’t anywhere in sight. I started bolting to the edge of the pool with Kade right behind me, “I’m sure she’s fine!” All I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest and the sound of my footsteps, as we came to a halt next to the side of the pool and I saw her sinking to the bottom and, without thinking, tore my hoodie off and dove straight in. I immediately felt the shock of the cold water go through my body but I could barely pay attention to that when the girl I loved was at the bottom of a ten foot deep pool. Once I got down to her I grabbed her in my arms and began swimming to the top, as soon as I got to the top I could hear Kade yelling for me to swim over to them “THEO GET OVER HERE!” Logan and Sawyer both pulled her out of my arms and up onto the cold tiles while Kade helped me out. Logan immediately started CPR and all I could do was watch, thinking that she could be dead. The only girl I could ever imagine myself with could be dead. Kade looked at me, “Hey look if, and this is a big if. If she doesn’t make it, don't blame yourself, I told her to leave you and Sawyer alone for a minute and she just nodded and left. I didn’t know where to and probably should’ve said something to someone but I didn’t think anything of it.” I just stared at him, Dakota never ever went up there unless she was stressed or wanted to, to… Either way she never went up there just because, she always, ALWAYS had a reason. I looked up when I heard her start choking up water and moved over to her side as fast as I could, “Hey! Hey! Oh my God! You’re okay!” I had tears streaming down the sides of my face, that started mixing with the chlorine filled water dripping off my face, and placed my hand on her cheek and pulled her into a tight hug, “Yeah I’m okay but that doesn’t mean squeeze the rest of the life out of me.” I pulled away and stared into her emerald eyes as we all started laughing, Logan and Sawyer helped us up as Kade found something to block off the doorway so no animals or, god forbid, people get in. I had my arm under and wrapped around Dakota so I could help her walk and instead of going in the back, where we knew her dad would be, we went around to one of the front doors. We helped her up the stairs and into her room and let her get changed into some warm dry clothes, as we were all downstairs in the truck room she came down the steps holding a pair of clothes for me to change into, “Here, go change, I don’t want you getting sick or anything.” I took them out of her hand and walked upstairs to put them on and once I closed the door I immediately started getting dressed, pulling the jeans she had given me on when I heard someone knock, “Hold on!” I had them halfway down my thighs and heard that knock again, “Christ almighty! Just open the freaking door!” I watched as Dakota walked in, she had sweatpants on along with an oversized hoodie, and tried hurriedly pulling my jeans up the rest of the way, “Oh, um hey, sorry for the yelling.” She didn’t say anything, she just stood there and watched as I put my belt on, she just kinda stood there and didn’t do or say anything so I finally broke the thick layer of silence between us, “D? Hello? What are you just gonna stand there and do nothing?” Her eyes bounced between me and the window behind me, “My dad crashed on the couch and the guys wanted us to go out together, so they had me come get you.” I looked down at the ground where my wallet was and then back at her, “Yeah, sure why not, where are we going?” I picked up my wallet and watched her shrug her shoulders and before she left the room I gently grabbed her arm and spun her around so we were face to face, “I love you” I paused and was looking for the words to say what I wanted to and during my thinking she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me, “I love you too, now come on let’s go.” I was stunned but she led me by the hand and we walked down the stairs to where Kade and Sawyer stood, Kade turned his head at us, “Logan went out to his car, come on! We’re gonna cut him off!” She still had my hand in hers and was leading me out the door and through the alleyway right behind Sawyer and Kade when she slowed down a lot, like a lot, and almost came to a complete stop when she turned to me and pressed up against me, “I, I love you Theo-” “Hey lovebirds! When you’re done making out over there we’re going to 7-11! Pile in my car!” I opened the door and, being the first one in, was obligated to sit in the third row right behind D.

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