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The drive to La Push was Surprisingly quiet; the up beat song on the radio that repeatedly stated, 'pump it, Louder!' Was the only thing breaking the silence.

I had been gazing out the window since we left Sam's place, staring at the stunning flora of the forest as we drove past. It's terrifying to think this might be the last time I'll be able to appreciate it if the volturi find out about my awareness of them and end up taking my life. I grimace as I try to push those thoughts away, "how close is the beach from here?"

Paul quickly glances over at me, "about 5 minutes, why?"

"Could you Pull over?"

Paul's eyebrows shoot up but he still follows my instructions without question. Once parked, "are you okay? Did you get another bad memory? Do You need another second?"

I giggle at his immediate barrage of concerned questions but hesitate in answering, "I'm... fine. I just thought it would be much nicer if we could walk through a beautiful forest then be stuck in a cramped car listening to whatever this is for the next 5 minutes."

"Hey, Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas is a good song, it's catchy!" He says mock offended.

"Sure, whatever you say, Lahote," I sarcastically reply with a playful smile as I get out of his car.

He follows me out with the basket he got from Emily in hand and laughs, then thoughtfully says, "you sure about this? Walking I mean."

"Yeah, walking will let me get some fresh air and give me sometime to think... besides, I got a wolf bodyguard with me so I think I be alright," I tease.

He begins to walk into the forest and I start to follow him as he smirks, "that you do and I'll always be here to protect you no matter what."

"I figured, with the whole imprinting thing and all..." I give him an awkward smile

he returns it with one of his own then asks, "but what exactly do you need to think about?"

I clench my jaw as I think about the possibility of my death before covering it with a smile and telling a half-truth, "if just been thinking about how crazy my life has become ever since I woke up. Like, how I'm gonna get my life on track? will I remember everything? Could I go to school? Will I get a job? Stuff like that."

Paul's gaze softens, "you don't need to worry about that now... you're barely back on your feet you of all people deserve a break. What's the rush?"

"I'm not a vampire Paul-," I state.

"Thank the spirits for that!" He quickly interjects.

I roll my eyes but continue, "I don't have an eternity to do all the stuff that people think I should do."

"But do you want to do them?"


"You said you don't have the time to do things that people think you should do, not the things that you want to do. So do you want to do them?" He said taking a step closer to me.

"I mean isn't that what's expected? Shouldn't I got to college then find a regular 9 to 5 job?"

"Should you?"

"I-," I groan then pout, "you're annoying."

"So you say," he smiles, "but seriously do what you want to do, not what people expect you to do. If you don't follow your heart you'll end up being miserable."

"You're surprisingly emotionally mature when you want to be..."

"Yeah, well, maybe you just bring out that side of me," he smiles.

Promise? (A Paul Lahote x Female OC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now