Monday, 14th September

44 1 6

(A/n Please I've got no clue on how to write this so sorry if its bad)


The fun day's date had rolled around and Father Marcus had asked the choir to meet up at the bus that they were going to take to the fair, Ocean being the perfectionist that she is arrived first followed shortly by Constance, Noel arrived with Rickey, followed by Penny and then Mischa, Y/n was the last to arrive with Father Marcus as she had been helping him with some things. Father Marcus had marked off the roll and had told everybody where they would be sitting, Noel would be seated next to Mischa in the back row, Ocean and Constance would be in the front, Penny would be in the middle with Y/n and finally Ricky would be in the passenger seat next to Father Marcus. There were spare seats so if anybody had a problem with the seating arrangements they could swap their seat, Nobody really had any issues with where they were seated as they were all doing their own thing Ocean and Constance were talking about something while Mischa was texting his girlfriend, Noel was minding his own business, Penny and Y/n were chatting about something random and Ricky was in his own world, With that Father Marcus started the bus and began the drive to the Fall Fair, the fair itself was only half an hour away they arrived a little late but had plenty of time to play games, go on rides and have fun.

The bus stops and everyone gets out the same order they got in, the order being Mischa and Noel, Ocean and Constance, Penny and y/n and then finally Ricky and Father Marcus. Before anybody could talk Father Marcus speaks up to take attendance, of course everybody was there. Ocean put herself in charge of picking who paired up with who (feel free to arrange who goes with who)

ocean: "Okay so what well do is well split up into pairs, although one of the pairs will have to take Ricky with them as there's seven or us"
Ocean: "The pairs plus Ricky are as stated, me and Constance, Penny and Y/n and then Mischa, Noel and Ricky, well all meet up again at 6pm to do something as a group we can figure that out later though.. Lets go!"

With that said everybody got with their partner/partners and went off to enjoy the Fall Fair, Ocean and Constance had gone over to look at the different food and creative item stalls while Noel, Mischa and Ricky went to find different rides to go on like the haunted house or the bumper carts (Sadly Ricky wasn't able to ride in the carts), Y/n and penny had gone around and played different games, with one of the games Penny had seen something like a balloon dart game she wanted to play it. Y/n also took interest in the game and they both proceeded to split 40 darts between the two of them a coupple minutes passed and they had hit enough balloons to get a prize, sadly they only scored enough points for one prize so Y/n decided to let Penny pick the prize, She picked out a Pink Dolphin it wasn't huge but it was still large enough that Penny had to hold it with both her hands, the carney was nice enough to let Y/n select one of the small prizes from a basket filled with kids toys she picked up a Pale Green whistle. They continued to play different games, explore what the fair had to offer and go on different rides until Y/n checked the time, it was 5:55 they were late and had no clue where they were meant to meet up. As neither Penny or Y/n had been listening to ocean when she was telling everyone where to meet up they had no clue where they were meant to go. Y/n decided to grab Penny's arm and try to find one of the others.

Around 6pm Penny had spotted Ocean near the Cyclone roller coaster and had let Y/n know so they proceeded to head over that way, when Ocean had spotted Y/n and penny she called them both over before she could say anything else Noel proceeded to tell both Penny and Y//n that Ocean had dragged everyone to the old fortune teller robot thing, he didn't list any other details other than that its name was Karnak or something like that. Constance ended up telling Penny and Y/n the details of what they were going to do and what they missed,

Constance: "okay so when we met up obviously you guys weren't with us and we couldn't find you so we just kind of assumed that you two had something important to do"
Constance: "Anyway! Ocean had told us that we were going to see Karnak as it seemed like a fun thing to do, we all got our fortune's told and surprisingly it told everyone to ride The Cyclone Coaster and so that's what-"
Ocean had interrupted Constance before she could finish: "And so that's what were in line for!"

Penny had understood what happened where as Y/n understood it in her own way. After a coupple minutes of moving with and waiting in line around 6:17 the choir managed to get their tickets and then a minute later they boarded the coaster, the coaster only had 6 seats but for some reason the carnie operating the ride let everyone on with the kids sitting in this order Ocean and Constance were seated in the front row followed by Mischa and Noel seated in the middle and then Ricky, Y/n and Penny in the back, Y/n being the youngest was sat in the middle as they were the smallest out of everyone.

Word count: 965 words
(A/n holy that's almost 1000 words that's kind of crazy and It's only taken me like a week or two to write this I'm proud of myself)


It's Just A Ride What's The Worse That Could Happen?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora