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(A/n I've read the script for Legoland and i can confirm that St Cassian is a catholic privet school!)

By 6:17pm everyone had gotten and tickets not even a minute later were getting seated, Ocean of course had taken it upon herself to let everybody know where they were going to sit.

Ocean: "Okay! so the seating order will be Constance and I in the front, Noel and Mischa in the middle and Penny and Y/n in the back.. but then Rickey is left out.. Give me a second!"

Ocean Proceeded to the seemingly drunk Carnie to ask if they could squeeze Ricky on the back with Penny and Y/n, surprisingly the carnie allowed the 3 kids to sit together in the last cart. Ocean, of course confused on why the fair would let some drunk 30 year old control the coaster was going to question but decided not to before turning back to the choir and telling them what was going to happen.

Ocean: "Good news, Ricky sweetie you get to sit next to Penny and Y/n!"
Constance: "Ocean, I'm not sure that's-"
Ocean: "Constance. my time to speak-"
Y/n: "Ocean, respectfully let Constance speak.."
Constance silently chuckled before promptly finishing what she was trying to say
Constance: "all I'm trying to say is that having three people sitting in a seat meant for two doesn't seem all that safe"
Ocean: "okay, i see where your coming from but the carnie said it would be fine so were going to do it end of discussion."

Penny sat in the cart followed shortly by Y/n, both Noel and Mischa were helping Ricky sit in the cart before sitting in the middle section of the cart, lastly Ocean and Constance sat in the front. by now it was 6:17 going on 6:18 and the cart's safety rails had come down to rest across the Choir's laps securing the first two rows where Ocean, Mischa, Noel and Constance were sitting. The last row's bar hadn't come down properly not locking in place like the other two, usually the bar would click three times before locking however the bar was only clicking twice Y/n had yelled out to the carnie to let them know that the bar wasn't closing properly but the carnie in a drunken daze hit the start button ignoring Y/n's concerns. At 6:18 the roller coaster started over the first small inclinecliming up and down with ease, however when they aproached the top of the second incline somethibg happend and a large mettal clang could be heard.

All of the sudden everything was going wrong, before anyone could say Y/n had looked over to penny and she had no head (ill try and fix this later.) Y/n screamed just as the cart holding everyone began up the first loup-d-loup, they has successfully done the full circle but at this point everybody had began to scream and cry, they began to aproach the second loup. They had gotten to the second loup and stopped right at the top, before anyone could take a breather the bar that was holding Y/n, Ricky and Penny un-cliped and all 3 children began to fall out of thier seats, at 6:19 the care had reached the top of the loop-d-loop, Y/n had been able to catch themselves but both ricky and penny had fallen out of the cart, Y/n was holding on for dear life when whey along with anyone elce who was still in the cart heard a second rather loud bang. The bars that were holding everyone in place faltered and everyone began to fall, this was a nightmare. A nightmare none of them could escape. The cart began to detatch fron the rails and before any of the choir could scream again everything went black.

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