19 - Domineering

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As Lord Marshall's unexpected announcement echoed through the grand ballroom, a hush fell over the assembled guests. Confusion etched itself onto their faces as they scanned the room, searching for the mysterious individual who had captured Lord Marshall's heart.

I watched with a mixture of bemusement and trepidation as their curious gazes swept over the crowd, each person seemingly unsure of where to direct their attention. It quickly became apparent that many were not familiar with me, their brows furrowed in confusion as they cast about in search of the unknown woman who had suddenly become the center of attention.

"Who is she?" whispered one noblewoman to her companion, her voice tinged with curiosity as she surveyed the crowd.

"I haven't a clue," replied her companion with a puzzled expression. "But it seems Lord Marshall has taken quite a liking to her."

A ripple of speculation spread through the room as guests exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected turn of events. It was a surreal moment, to say the least, to find myself at the center of such intrigue and speculation.

As the whispers of speculation filled the air, Lady Victoria, who was just a few paces away from us, leaned in to the guests around her, her voice hushed with excitement.

"Wait, I know her," Lady Victoria whispered, her eyes alight with recognition. "Her name is Clytie Jones. We're in the same history class together at the Imperial University."

Her revelation sparked a flurry of murmurs among the gathered guests, who turned their attention to Lady Victoria in anticipation of more information about the mysterious woman who had captured Lord Marshall's attention.

"Clytie Jones, you say?" queried one intrigued nobleman, his interest piqued by the newfound information. "I've never heard of her. What can you tell us about her?"

Lady Victoria, keen to enlighten those around her, seized the moment to describe my appearance, her voice tinged with excitement as she whispered to her companions.

"Ah, there she is," Lady Victoria murmured, her eyes scanning the room until they found me. "See the woman in the gold gown by the balcony? That's Clytie Jones."

Her words sparked a wave of curiosity among the guests, who followed Lady Victoria's gaze to where I stood near the balcony, my heart quickening as the weight of their collective attention settled upon me.

"She's wearing a gold gown, you say?" remarked one intrigued noblewoman, her eyes narrowing as she strained to catch a glimpse of me amidst the crowd.

"Yes, just there," Lady Victoria confirmed, her voice filled with excitement as she discreetly pointed in my direction. "She has dark hair, and her features are rather... unique."

As Lady Victoria's description circulated among the guests, their curiosity piqued, and their gazes turned toward me with newfound interest. 

A wave of warmth crept up my cheeks, betraying the sudden surge of self-awareness that flooded my senses. It was a surreal experience to be the subject of such intense speculation and scrutiny, especially in a room filled with nobility and aristocracy.

As the realization sank in that Lord Marshall had chosen a commoner as his companion for the evening, a murmur of confusion and disbelief rippled through the crowd. The guests were left confused, furrowing their brows in consternation, struggling to comprehend the unconventional choice.

"Why would Lord Marshall choose a commoner as his companion?" whispered one noblewoman, her voice tinged with incredulity.

"It's unheard of," replied her companion, shaking his head in disbelief. "Surely there must be some mistake."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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