I thought you knew.. ( Chapter 6 )

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I call out her name with no response just silence, I decide to leave the basement I need to leave the others alone. And really after what just happened. I need to really explain to salty-salt what i was doing. But will I tell her it's a mistake? or the truth...? 


WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?? What was I thinking not doing anything about it?.... And why did I.. I like it?.... I lie down starring at the ceiling trying to comprehend just how weird I am until I hear a loud knock on the locked door followed by pepper starting to cry, mumbling something like a "I'm sorry" and heaving sobbing. Though I still don't let her in. I know I'm like kinda a selfish jerk, and it could've been a total accident but I still needed to at least process it a little. At first I thought it was just because of OJ's juice puddle, but if it was she probably would've just crashed into and cracked my glass or something, it had to be on purpose.... Right? Maybe I'm just imagining things the way I would like things to play out. But eventually I get to bored and finally decide to let her come in. 

" I-I am sorry okay? I thought you knew."

A silence just fell as regret washed over not only her but me to, I was yelling at her like she ruined my life but honestly it's true she did change my life but in a way more for the better. Pepper has been my best friend since forever and she's just so pretty. though basically all of it clicks together now, why she was starring at me, clinging to me and trying to explain her friendship with me a few days ago. Pepper was jealous. And it's my fault for not realizing that. I go into the bathroom and look into the mirror and think about what a terrible person I am. But the main thing is I need to figure out if I... like her back... if I do at least we can kinda solve this mess for the time being. She calls out to me whilst tears start to roll down my cheeks into the sink. 

"Just-just h-how could I just really be this, this selfish?" I said to myself as pepper scrolled though her phone still with tears streaming down her face. Continuing to repeatedly apologize. But honestly I know pepper felt really bad and I had to just forgive her and then talk it out like a normal person or something. 


She turns her head up from her phone and starts to cry less.

"Mhm?" She replied softly with a tear in her eye. 

"Just stop.. I'm sorry... I should've understood and realized that you liked me. But like even so, why didn't you just tell me in the first place-" I say starting to sweat but also blush as she sighs and grasps my hand firmly against the floor. 

"Salty salt... I tried to.. but you didn't understand what I meant..."

I put my head down and look the other direction almost regretful and embarrassed. Still even though her face is still covered in tears, she hugs me tightly and forgives me. 

"But I do have one last question salty salt.... Do you love me to..?"

I start to blush a lot, but her sweet smile and sparkle in her eye kinda comforts me in a way, and I don't even know what I said or what I meant to say, or if I was lying or being truthful or if I even knew at that point.

"I-I uh um I- Uh I just... Ummm... I-i-I... Y-yes...?"

"Good enough.."

She starts to stop sobbing and my face quickly dries as well. She pulls me in close, but it's just a hug as both our faces turn pink and we giggle. 

"L-let's uh go to bed... it's like a few minutes past 11:00 already we need to hurry to bed! Hopefully they'll stop playing the music soon.."

"Yeah...!" Pepper responds rather shyly and tired like. We both head to our beds and lie down. 

"Good night salty salt... we need to chat in the morning k?"

"Uh okay.. good night!"


For some reason when I woke up I was tightly squished in between salts arms, in her bed?? I try not to freak out to wake her up cause she still fast asleep but I'm really craving a bowl of cereal or something. I try to wiggle out of her bed onto the floor and thankfully it worked! I quietly tip toed the stairs greeted by lightbulb seemingly saying something to paintbrush but it's in sign language so I don't understand what the heck she's even saying.

Then paintbrush started signing back, but I still couldn't understand what they were trying to say. They then point at me as I walk to the kitchen. Though I try to ignore them crise I don't even understand what they are even saying. I then grab a bowl from the dishwasher, two to be exact. One for salty salt. I then grab some fruit loops ( her favourite ) and Cinnamon Toast Crunch ( my favourite) pour them in and jog back upstairs to give salt her breakfast. She needs to get up no matter what,  and might as well do it now. I creak against the floors awkwardly trying my hardest to not wake anyone up. Finally I get to the room at slowly open the door because salts still sound asleep. I place the bowl gently on her bedside table so when she wakes up it'll be right there but after I eat I got and lie back down, in MY bed so the noise of my phone isn't right in her ear. After a long while of being bored she eventually gets up. Looking tired and she looks at me then realizes the girl of cereal and thinks me. I felt kinda happy to help her she looked so much more tired than me. Whilst she eat her breakfast I try to  figure out why I woke up in her bed. Though the best thing I could muster is that she was cold and carried me over to her bed to uh... feed of my warmth? Y'know my like imagination inaction isn't very good. But nonetheless I love her. And we're gonna become a lot more then just BCFFs. That's for sure.

Just a little salty ( Inanimate Insanity Imagination ) ( EP:1 )Where stories live. Discover now