Crack Quotes from my Smokies Trip

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So I was gone for three days with no service- I took a field trip to the mountains and had a great, silly time with a bunch of kids I barely know :D

Me: (walks into dorm) "are these the mattresses?"
Friend #1: "why wouldn't they be?"
Me: "They're an inch and a half of plastic around a sponge; I wasn't sure."

Bio teacher, to another kid: "you have any service?"
Kid: "nah"
Bio teacher: "bet that's driving you crazy."
Kid: "not really"
Me: "my mom never let me have any social media, so I'm doing just fine!"
Bio teacher: "y'know, that's probably why you're so awesome."

Me: "wait, how long is the hike today?"
Friend #1: "six hours."
Me: "'s raining."

Friend #1: "you could write a fanfiction about this!"
Me: "Oh my god yes"
Friend #2: "chapter one, pouring rain; chapter two, devils walking stick; chapter three, first field of temporary sorrow; chapter, uh, four, bear scat."
Me: "chapter five, we might get wet again, question mark."
Friend #2: "chapter six, uh.."
Me: "hazardous pine trees."
Friend #2: (laughs) "Epilogue, we'll never be dry again!"

Me: "A BONE!!"
Teacher #2: (hands me a bone)
Me: "what kind of bone is this?"
Teacher #2: "I don't know- it's too small to be a femur."
Me: "I should take an anatomy class." (Turns around) "Does anyone want this bone?"

Me: (pointing at various piles of beat poop on the trail "Bear scat. Bear scat. Bear droppings." (Turns around to face the class) "no one step in the bear poop!" (Turns to friend #1) "I'm never going to have to say that again in my life."


Counselor 1: "it's probably not a real crime scene, but stay here while we figure out what to do."
Kid #2: "we can just jump the caution tape, right?"
Counselor 1: "stay there! Do not jump the tape!"
(A little later)
Counselor 2: "come on, they found a place to walk across!"
(Even later)
Me: "these shoes had better dry out before we go to the airport tomorrow. I refuse to wear rain boots to the airport."
(I did in fact wear rain boots to the airport)

Me: (turns to friend #1) "are the teachers giving (kid 3) relationship advice?"

Friend 2: "how is the fire still going? It's raining!"

Me, standing in the pouring rain and wind on the middle of a field: (turns to astronomy teacher) "I think our weather forecast was correct!"

Me: "I think my poncho isn't going to survive the trip back-"

Me: "A-"
Friend #1: "you okay?"
Me: "the thorns just got my ankle, don't worry." (Rips pant leg pulling foot out of brambles)

Counselor 1: "want a s'more?"
Me: "no, just chocolate."
Counselor 1: "we can make that happen!"

Friend #1: "I'm angry cause it's not dark enough and I can't see the stars!"
Me, sarcastically: "we're having a campfire while it's thunderstorming, what more could you want?"

Counselor 1: "could two of you be awesome and get some water?"
Kid #4: "from the river? Sure! Might get some salamanders too."
Counselor 1: (laughs) "don't get salamanders."

Kid #5: "he's in midfield, and passes the ball to.."
Kid #6: "The Boy Scouts of America!!"

Me, running back to the dorms through the rain: "come on, I'm in BOOTS! You have to run faster than me!"
Friend #1: "AAAAAAA"

Kid #7: "we need to teach the jellyfish song to the chem class."
Kid #8: "BUH BUH BUH BOOTIES OUT!!" (One of the song lyrics)
Kid #3: "that might not fly.."

Me: "what's the point of waterproof boots if the entire river goes into my boots?"

Counselor 1: "I need you four to scare all the macro invertebrates in the water into the net."
Kid #10: (falls into the river)
Counselor 1: "that's one way to do it!"

(Boys pranked girls dorm)
Me, peacefully listening to music at 10pm in the dorms: (hums along to music) (EPIC; the musical, to be precise)
Kid #12: (turns off all lights)
Me: (questions life choices)

Boys: (try to fit all 16 of them into one shower stall)
Also boys: (has a slap boxing match in the dorms)
Boys again: (plots how to sneak some of the girls into their dorm)
Me: (is glad I'm not a boy)

Kid #9: (changes in the dorm)
Me: (thinks) THATS ALLOWED?!
(Later moves to the furthest side of the dorm away from everyone)

Friend #1: "they're gambling out there."
Me, watching the hunger games peacefully: "wait what"

Me, watching the hunger games again: "Seneca Crane, sir, what do you have against LIFE??"
Friend #1: "what?"
Me: "Nothing, sorry"

Me: "the ground is crunchy"

Me: "I've always loved soaking wet so to a side of freezing cold."

Me: (has no service)
Also me: (discovers google docs still works) "I CAN WRITE"

Friend #1: (attacks me with a raccoon stuffed animal)
Me: (baps raccoon over the head)

Kid #13: "Batman with a tutu"

Friend #1: "where is it?"
Me: "what?"
Friend #1: "my phone!"
Me: (looks at waterfall/river where she fell) "say your goodbyes now. It has become one with the river."

Me, walking up to mother at the airport: "no hugs, shower first."
Mother: (laughs head off)

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