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You did it.
I stripped myself bare to you.
You have touched me beyond the barrier.
You made it possible.
I'm a closed book that has two covers, the one you see and the one you felt.

I am not certain and I think I'll never be.
You saw the brightness my covers can give, you stripped it bare.
You took your time, it feels like you're skinning me bit by bit.
"Pain and hurt is what I feel. Resist is what I should do, but only because it is what's bound to happen." that was what I told myself.

And I did.

Resist is what I could only do.
For I thought you'll just hurt me.
For I thought that if everything ends, you will leave.
Keeping my every pieces with you to complete yours.

Now I ask myself, "If everything ends, what will end with you?"
How sure was I to think that he's just the only one who's taking from me?
How sure was I that I'm the only one that's stripping my own self, bare and vulnerable?
He may be taking my brightest covers, but I'm not sure if I'm penetrating through his second clothing.

I know that I shouldn't trust that easily, but you took me by the swift wind possible.
So fast and chilling I wasn't able to know what your plan is.
All I know is that the wind fills my void pieces, either cold or warm, it didn't matter to me.
What mattered was even though I'm empty, the wind was there to fill the mass that's missing.

"I adore your warmth as well as I appreciated your frostiness."

You felt that I may be broken on my most original covers.

You're right.

You saw what my future can be.

"A failure." The scream of the person behind the voice in my head.

But a wild card that can only be good or bad, is what you see.
You believe, that far beyond that broken cover is my filled pages that can be my lead to success.

"I'm sorry." is what I want to say since I didn't know.

I didn't know that you're stripping me bare because you know my pages are my worth.

"Thank you" as you didn't see me for what I could be for you in my brightest cover.

You knew that my pages are my purest core and that's why you tore my sleeves, to know and learn my story.
Now I know, that feeling vulnerable is just normal, being vulnerable express that I'm already willing for you to read me.
I am not an open book as everyone sees.
My covers was made to make a fool of someone who tries to read it.

"I didn't know I'm like that, until now. Thank you for making me realize it."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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