✨ Chapter Thirty Four ✨

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It's Monday and Wooyoung is walking out of his lecture room with Mingi and Yeosang by his side as he tells them the incidents of the past week.

Wooyoung: sighs deeply "It's been such a rollercoaster of emotions, guys. I still can't believe everything that's happened."

Mingi: nods sympathetically "Yeah, it's been tough to watch you go through all of this, Wooyoung. But you're handling it like a champ."

Yeosang: places a hand on Wooyoung's shoulder "You're stronger than you realize, Wooyoung. And you've got us here to support you through it all."

Wooyoung: forces a small smile "Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you two."

Mingi: grins "Hey, that's what friends are for, right? To stick by each other through the good times and the bad."

Yeosang: nodding in agreement "Exactly. And we're not going anywhere, Wooyoung. We've got your back."

Wooyoung: feeling grateful for their support "Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me."

Mingi: changing the subject "So, any plans for today? Maybe we could grab lunch together or something."

Yeosang: brightening up "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. What do you think, Wooyoung?"

Wooyoung: smiles genuinely for the first time in a while "Yeah, lunch sounds good. Let's go."

At lunch, Wooyoung continues to discuss the same topic as Mingi and Yeosang listen attentively.

Mingi: "Come on, Wooyoung. You need a break from all this stress. A vacation would do you good."

Yeosang: "Yeah, a change of scenery might help clear your mind and give you some perspective."

Wooyoung: shaking his head "I appreciate the suggestion, guys, but I can't just leave everything behind, especially with San's wedding coming up."

Mingi: "But Wooyoung, you need to take care of yourself too. You can't keep putting everyone else's needs before your own."

Yeosang: "Exactly. You've been through a lot lately, and it's okay to take some time for yourself."

Wooyoung: hesitant "I know, but Mr. Choi wants me to be involved in the wedding preparations, and I can't let him down."

Mingi: "You don't have to do everything, Wooyoung. Delegate some tasks and take some time for yourself. You deserve it."

Yeosang: "We'll help you out with whatever you need. Just promise us you'll think about it, okay?"

Wooyoung: sighs "Okay, I'll think about it. Thanks, guys. I really appreciate your concern."

After university, Wooyoung went back home as he was met with a surprise. San, Minji and Jennie were all sitting together in the living room as they chatted and laughed. Upon seeing Wooyoung, they all stood up to greet him.

" Wooyoung! There you are! We were just mentioning you."
Minji smiled as she hugged Wooyoung.

Jennie smiled warmly at Wooyoung who returned it as he hugged her.

But upon seeing San, Wooyoung felt awkwardness building up inside of him.

" So, what were you guys talking about?"
Wooyoung asked sitting down with them.

" Oh, you know, just discussing San's wedding. We were all deciding a theme."
Jennie answered.

Wooyoung nodded as he looked around, uninterested.

" I was thinking about doing a masquerade ball type of thing, you know? Like isn't that gonna be cool?"
Minji suggested.

" Hmm, it's a good idea. I was thinking to go with a fancy or royalty typa theme."
Jennie spoke with a smile.

" What about you, Wooyoung? What do you suggest?"
Minji asked all of a sudden.

Wooyoung, lost in his thoughts got teleported back to earth upon hearing Minji's voice.

" Hmm? Theme? Umm...well, I'm not good with decisions so you guys go ahead. I'm sure you have good taste."
Wooyoung answered simply.

" But we want to know what you want. You're a part of the family too, you know. And most importantly it's my wedding so you are an integral part of it."
San answered with a smile.

Wooyoung stared at San. His smile was so beautiful that it shined brighter than comets and constellations. It was so lively and lovely that Wooyoung felt alive looking at it. Sadly, San was not meant for him. The thought of it was killing Wooyoung from the inside. He felt played with and hurt. The pang in his heart was painful. Wooyoung wanted to run away and cry his eyes out at the thought of San getting married. But nothing could be done now. The wedding was Friday night.

" You guys could go with the usual, you know? Black tuxedos for men and white gowns for women. No need to break the stereotypes."

With that Wooyoung jogged up to his room. San, Minji and Jennie all looked at each other. Only San and Minji knew why Wooyoung acted this way. Jennie was the only one who was unaware.

" I'll go check on him. Maybe he's having a bad day."
Jennie spoke as she excused herself from San and Minji.

San and Minji both knew the reason of Wooyoung's behavior but neither of them knew that the other one knew too.

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