Chapter 5 - Diagon Alley

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[The next day, in the streets of London.]

Tom: Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?

Hagrid: No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business today. Just helpin' young Harry here buy his school supplies.

Tom: Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter!

[The pub immediately goes silent and everyone notices. A man comes up and shakes Harry's hand.]

Man: Welcome back, Mr. Potter. Welcome back.

[A witch comes up and shakes Harry's hand, as well.]

Witch: Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.

[A man in robes with a turban on his head appears. It is Professor Quirrell.]

Quirrell: Harry P-potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.

Hagrid: Hello, Professor. I didn't see you there. Harry, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be yer Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

Harry: Oh, nice to meet you. [puts out his hand, offering a handshake with Quirrell. But he looks at Harry's head and hesitatingly refuses]

Quirrell: F-fearfully f-fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, e-eh, Potter? Heheh.

"When are we going to be told why Harry is famous? Or WHY LILY AND I DIED?!" James yells annoyed throwing his hands in the air before sitting back down on his bean bag and angrily glaring at the screen,

Hagrid: Yes, well, mus' be goin' now. Lots to buy. Heh-heh-heh.

Harry: Goodbye.

[The two leave into a back room winery in front of a brick wall.]

Hagrid: See, Harry? You're famous!

Harry: But why am I famous, Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?

Hagrid: I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to tell you that, Harry. [Taps the brick wall clockwise with his umbrella. The blocks then magically shift and open up to reveal a hidden, busy street called Diagon Alley.] Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley. [Harry grins broadly as they step into the street and walk down it. An owl screeches.] Here's where yeh'll get yer quills and yer ink, and over there all yer bits and bobs fer doing yer wizardry.

[Harry is amazed as they pass by shops and owls and bats. The camera pans on a broom store, where a group of boys are crowded around a shiny broom.]

Girl: It's a world-class racing broom.

Boy 1: Wow! Look at it! The new Nimbus 2000!

Boy 2: It's the fastest model yet. [the camera pans to see the broom's model name on the handle]

All quidditch players and fans of 1977 are staring at the Nimbus 2000 in absolute awe, lots of the golden era swear James has drool dripping from his mouth,

"Imagine me seeking on that broom," Regulus whispers to his friends,

"Slytherin would never lose again," Barty sighs not taking his eyes off the broom while a similar conversation is being had in the middle of the hall,

"Mum, Dad can Sirius and I have one?" James pleads staring at Emuphemia and Fleamount with puppy eyes. Emuphemia rolls her eyes and slaps her forehead,

"This broom comes out in 1991," Fleamount says trying his best to contain his laugh, unlike everyone from the golden era and the marauders and the girls from 1997 who are shamelessly laughing at James,

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