Prologue (Part 7)

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Eventually, everyone we had previously ran into had come to the garden, all of us just kind of standing there awkwardly. We all do this until...


The lock clicks off of the gate, and we all cautiously walk through, on the other side finding... A schoolhouse? Weird, but okay I guess?

Tsukiko is the first to run up to it, jumping and smacking the bell above the front door as Satoshi sighs and follows behind her. But, before anyone can enter...

"Hello everyone! You all made it! All 20 of you that signed yes!" A voice comes out of nowhere, sounding very high pitched, even higher than Tsukiko.

"Who the hell are you!?" Hotaru yells, not specifically anywhere since we didn't yet have a name for this voice, or a location.

"Well, I am... MonoWeasel!" Just then, we hear a *thud* behind us, and turning quickly, we see... A black and white seemingly robotic weasel...?

MonoWeasel continues. "You all selected yes, so therefore... You all have legally signed into this *killing game*! And I am here as a sort of game host, a guardian of sorts!"

An audible gasp can be heard from about everyone. A killing game? What the hell!?

"Your all staying here until someone wins! And how does someone win, exactly? They kill and get away with it, of course! Although, you have to be the winner to actually *leave*."

A sudden silence falls upon the crowd, even Tsukiko's joy filled expression turning to solid fear. After a few moments, MonoWeasel continues again. "Now, your all going to be given something called the MonoWatch, which is a watch similar to an EpelWatch! It'll have the game rules on it, map of the area, a built in key for your trailer, etc!" In that next minute, MonoWeasel hands out the watches, and I snap it onto my right wrist, staring at it a few moments, before MonoWeasel adds, "You may as well check the rules now, then."

At this, I glance an Hiko, seeing him already clicking the watch, so I sigh, clicking the watch as well. My name appears on the screen. Kameko Morioka. After a moment, a few options appear on the screen. Game rules, map, messenger, evidence (?), mini games, and settings. The mini games are probably stupid, but whatever. Evidence... Best not worry about that now.

I click on the game rules, and see the first one pop up of a list.

1) You will live here until the game concludes.

2) You may not attack MonoWeasel.

3) Any damage of property will result in punishment.

4) Any murders will result in a class trial, which you will investigate for.

5) If you are the blackened, and you get away with it, you win!

6) If you're the spotless and you vote out the blackened, you win!

7) Losing will result in punishment.

8) Sleeping anywhere other than in a trailer is prohibited and will result in punishment.

9) Breaking or loaning this watch is prohibited.

10) MonoWeasel will never directly commit a murder.

11) If multiple murders occur, only the first murderer will be seen as guilty.

12) Rules may be added at any time.

My skin began to crawl more than it already was. Murder? Punishment!? What the hell!?

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