i'm sorry

15 0 0

The tree the branches out over Dorcas's grave protects Pandora from some of the rain. But that doesn't stop her dress from getting soaked. 

It was one of Dorcas's dresses. It was one of the many things that she had inherited from her late best friend. One of her late best friends. 

When Pandora was a little girl she imagined herself as a happy adult. A beautiful, radiant woman surrounded by her many best friends. 

A year ago that's what she was. 

But then her brother died. 

He got into a stupid fight with Alastor Moody. A man who Pandora would pay to rip apart limb by limb as he's forced to stay awake and watch. 

She hopes that he dies a very slow, painful death. It would do humanity a favor. 

She wants to condemn anyone that had anything to do with Evan's death to a long life of misery and suffering. Maybe then she would find some peace. 

Because that's what she's about to endure. 

They had plans together. So many plans. 

Pandora was going to move out into the country and have a child after she found a lover. Evan and Barty would follow her, because ever since they were children they were nothing without the each other. 

She still believes that. 

She's nothing without Evan. Her other half. Her twin. 

Her other half is dead. 

It still sounds to strange to admit. He's dead. 

But he's not the only one. 

Her Reggie. 

Oh Reggie...

Why did you have to be brave?  Why this time?

He was a sweet boy. One who didn't deserve what his mother and father threw in his direction. He was forced to take on way too much. He got the dark mark first out of their friend group. He volunteered, because they needed another death eater.  

Sirius went bat shit crazy when he found out. 

Pandora always thought that Sirius didn't deserve his little brother. 

As soon as Sirius found his replacement family, he completely abandoned Regulus. His little brother who needed him more than anything in the world. He needed a support that wasn't his friends. He needed family. 

Sirius didn't go to the funeral. Narcissa was the only Black who showed up. 

She grieved. Pandora will never forget how tightly they had hugged each other after Regulus's service. 

The quiet patters of rain on the ground splatter mud on the bottom of Dorca- Pandora's dress. She cringes when she realizes that she'll have to wash it. She'll have to wash Dorcas's scent out of it. 

She'd rather die than forget the smell of Dorcas's perfume. Or the sound of her voice and laughter. 

She will one day. 

She's already forgetting her own brother's laugh. And it kills her inside. 

He is fading away from her memory, and it won't be long before the sound of Regulus's voice will fade from her memory as well. 

She fears that if she didn't have so many polaroids of them that she'd forget what they looked like as well. 

She stares Regulus in the face every time she opens her fridge. Her stomach sinks every time, even when she purposefully doesn't look him in the eyes. 

One of her pictures of Evan is framed, sitting on her beside table. In that picture he's standing next to Barty, and they have their arms wrapped around one another. 

She hasn't really spoken to Barty lately. Their grief is still too raw. They would say something they regret, even though they wouldn't mean it. 

However, the comfort she craves can only be satisfied by one person. And she fears that it's him. 

Their friends are all dead. Three out of five of them. 

If you would have told her that three of them would be dead two years ago she would probably laugh in your face. 

She feels the need to laugh about it now too, knowing how ironically tragic it is. 

A hand on her shoulder pulls her from her thoughts, and she knows exactly who it is. 

"Panda," He whispers, stepping to the right, still slightly behind her. 

They're close enough for her to feel his breath on her neck. Besides from his hand on her shoulder, he refrains from touching her. Even though they both want nothing more than to pull each other into a bone crushing hug. 

"Hi Barty," She sighs, her voice already cracking. The tears in her eyes cloud up her vision once again, and her lip quivers violently. She bites it to keep herself from dropping to her knees and sobbing. 

"I'm so sorry Panda," He whimpers. 

And that's all it took. 

She turns around and buries her head into his chest, wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him into her so hard it hurts. 

He returns the tight hug, and after a few moments they're both crying. Ugly, grief filled sobs fill the air, and they sink to the ground, neither caring about the muddy ground or anyone that may see them. 

They've lost so much. 

"I know Barty," 

the end 

.. I'm sorry for this. I know its sad. 

Also I don't know much about canon, only fanon so don't quote me on any of the things about how Evan died. I just wrote what google told me. 

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