Arjun's POV

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I was fuming with anger as I stormed out of the house and entered my Black Lamborghini. I am heading towards Tanishq's penthouse. At least I could sort some things out. 

How could that 2ruppe girl behave to me this way! Then with this attitude. First of all, she's not guilty at all for her behavior today and now she's even raising her voice on me. First, she paid no attention to me in the morning and then Letterly went on a DATE with my brother. That to in front of mee! AND I don't know what had happened to Vihaan these days. The person who never questioned me in 23 years took offence of my words that to because of a girl who's my WIFE! WHAT THE HELL! Then that restraunt incident was roaming in my head all day!


"I'll be back after lunch. Keep the files ready till then Mr. Arya." I instructed my secretory as I went to a nearby cofee shop to refresh myself. 

I was enjoying my coffe as I saw two people coming inside the shop and they were none other that my dear brother with my SO-CALLED WIFE. They sat near the window and were talking. She's never happy with me than she is with him! And as if that all was not enough to make my mood get off, I saw them going out and suddenly Roohi's leg slipped and she fell directly into Vihaan's arms!

flashback ends

I couldn't control my anger now when she did this! I am not sure that it was right or not but one thing I am dam sure about is that she is a flirt and gold digger! But my heart is just not ready to accept it. I thought as I looked for Tanishq and I found him at the lawn using his phone. As he saw me, he litterly jumped on me like a 2 year old kid! Not again Bro!


"Sale chod mujhe pehele!" I said as I pushed him as we sat on the couch and I told him everything.

Then turning serious he spoke," Arjun, in all this its your fault. ONLY yours. Look you never asked for her consent to the marriage or did you even bother to ask her about your investor Khurrana's death? What would she have got from this? Accha even if she did that, isn't Mr. Rudra also at fault. He should be the one to brainwash her because its only him who runs the business and that boy Mihir who's really young to plan anything like this. Although I am sure that she isn't the one for this but understand it this way. Rudra your hard comptetor, and a conspirer suddenly turned so good to give some of him share in his project, marry her Neice whom he called her as his daughter which he didn't treated a bit well even. He is lying can't you see? Or else why Bhabhi would try to commit suicide. And after all this now if she's happy with your family, you're even taking it in a negative way. How could you man. You are not the one who treats someone this way even without knowing the whole truth."


" sho..ld I d..o now?" I asked in a trembling voice.

"Jaa aur use joke suna."


"Of course go and apologize Bhabhi for your mistake and be sensible from now on. Aur please ask her about all this when things are settled."


I will apologize her tomorrow. I am sorry ROOHI.

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