✨About The Characters✨

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Okay everyone listen up, this is the first time I am doing this and based on how I feel I may do it again.

I am finally going to write a story using completely random people. No celebrities, and if you know my stories I always use myself as the main girl, but not this time.

Today I will begins a story where all of my characters have been AI generated.

The story of our lovely main character had also been ai generated as it gave me the names for other characters based on her bio


Alice Jenkins (Ali)

Ali is a 19 year old med student, baker, and binge watcher. She's a bit pessimistic and impatient.
Ali was raised by her mother since a very young age, due to her father leaving.

She is best friends with Brenda Phillips, and the twins Richard and Allen Craig.

Her current boyfriend is Jasper Perry, and ex boyfriend is Richard Craig.

Her current boyfriend is Jasper Perry, and ex boyfriend is Richard Craig

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Brenda Phillips

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Brenda Phillips

Brenda is also a 19 year old med student. Alice's roommate (they share an apartment), and a girl who has a passion for music. Brenda is very outgoing and stubborn all in one.

Brenda was adopted at the age of 9, by a British couple who moved to America with a big dream.

Brenda is Alice's best friend.

Brenda is Alice's best friend

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Jasper Perry

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Jasper Perry

Jasper is also 19. Jasper is a student at the same college but he's attending for physical therapy and sports.

Jasper one day dreams to be physical therapist working along side the best NFL teams.

He first met Alice when he transferred to her high school and they have been dating ever since. He is aware of Richard being Alice's ex, and doesn't care for him much.

 He is aware of Richard being Alice's ex, and doesn't care for him much

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Richard (Ricky) and Allen Craig

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Richard (Ricky) and Allen Craig

Richard (left) and Allen(right) are both 21 years old. They've been best friends with Alice since she was in diapers (they've been her neighbors since her family moved there).

Ricky used to date Alice and they even went to her junior prom together. Ricky was a baseball player for their college is graduated with Game Design. Ironic.

Ricky dreams of this day winning Alice back, he doesn't care for her current boyfriend.

Allen is the more quiet type, he didn't attend college. He as soon as he graduated highs hook took a part time position as a barista/baker for the most prestigious bakery. He also works as an assistant at an independent music company.

Allen has always had a thing for Alice but has never voiced it.

I will be adding in more characters as they come in

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I will be adding in more characters as they come in.

I hope you all enjoy

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