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Waking up early on a Monday morning could only mean one thing, it was time for a bakery shift.

Of course at times it was very dreadful given that it's a Monday morning, but you'd be surprised.

Most of our company's business doesn't pick up until the afternoons, usually I'm gone due to classes but I've managed to catch a few noon shifts.

I pulled myself out of bed and managed to get in the shower 5 minutes later.

It was 5:50. Don't judge me.

I get up early because I like to give myself enough time, besides I always have a passenger to pick up so I like to make sure I'm on time.

I eventually texted my friend Allen, letting him know I was on my way to his apartment to come get him.

Allen Craig is one of my closest friends and coworkers, I've been best friends with him and his twin brother since I was in diapers nearly.

Ricky (Allen's twin) and I go way back. He was my first love, my first heartbreak...he was even there for me when my mom passed.

Little did I know, she had been struggling for years with addiction. It was something never mentioned, until my best friends (Brenda's) mom told me, it was a secret my mom had been keeping.

When she passed, she left me the house as I was all she had left. I haven't brought myself to go in.

I arrive at Allen's apartment, and let him know I was waiting.

Allen quickly comes out to the car "hey, what's up?" He asked getting into the car and buckling up.

"Not much, just thinking about life. How's your morning going?" I responded as I started to drive to work.

"Oh you know, the normal 'when are you going to hook us back up' from Ricky." He snickered.

"I figured as much. He knows he can't get anything though, I'm dating Jasper." I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of, how's it been going between the two of you?"

"It's been alright, he's been busy with college and I've been busy with college and work. The only times we have together is the weekends and if we actually see each other in the halls." I sighed. "I'm guessing your brother put you up to asking?"

He nodded his head. "Yep. But I also wanted to know for your wellbeing. Just in case I needed to hurt someone."

Finally Allen and I made it to the cafe. "I'm definitely making me a coffee before the shift starts, what I had at home wasn't enough." Allen laughs.

"Same, it was straight black, which was nasty." I gagged.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, let's do this."

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