Chapter 5 ~ The Room of Requirements

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The rest of the day goes on for a while, all these classes have overwhelmed me. But Pansy has been here through it all helping me and informing me of anything I need to know. The teachers have been helpful and considerate too with there being a lot I need to do and learn. It looks like I'll be pretty busy these next few months. It definitely is a new experience, sitting through all those classes and seeing the magic really happen. I loved it.

I walk in the great hall and Pansy immediately sees me waving over abruptly telling me to come over. She's sitting over with daphne. I walk over and sit beside them.

"How was your first day?" Daphne asks

"It was overwhelming" i admit

"I can imagine" Daphne nods "being in the muggle world then suddenly learning that magic is real must do that to you"

"I wish my parents were supportive" I look down thinking about it all.

"I'm sure they'll come around" Pansy gives me a reassuring look

I shake my head, knowing they won't "my parents won't budge, i know it. I'm better off without them anyway, they don't consider me as their daughter anymore"

"Then it's good you're here" Daphne shrugs. I nod my head in agreement "look, i'm sorry about the whole thing with Millicent-"

"You don't need to apologize" i stop her

"Hello ladies" Enzo comes over smirking as the others come around us.

Daphne sighs "this is my cue to leave" she walks to Astoria.

"Ready for the party?" Theo says

"I can tell it's gonna be the best yet" Blaise says "with Draco carrying that clipboard around with him, how could it not be"

I turn around to see Draco with said clipboard, I try to hide my need to laugh as I see him so focused on checking things off his list.

"How about you try to organize a party for a change" he tells Blaise through his teeth.

"We're all glad you're the one doing it, Draco," Mattheo says, patting his shoulder as he takes a seat next to him. His eyes flutter over to mine for just a second until he looks away.

"We should go, if we want to be on schedule" Draco informs us

"Come on Draco" Blaise complains

He gets up "i'm going, we have to prepare before people start showing up with nothing ready"

They unwillingly get up with him.

"Come on" Pansy says getting up "while they are out doing the boring stuff, lets go get ready"

When we get to our dorm I realize that I have nothing to wear to this party.

I start looking through my closet until Pansy hands me a dress.

"I figured you wouldn't have anything to wear, so you can borrow one of my dresses"
"Really" i ask

"Of course, and it will look amazing on you"

It's a sparkly dark green dress that's pretty short and hugs my body. I don't know if i'll ever be able to wear this.

I give Pansy a look "you really think i'll wear this?"

"Oh come on, just try it on"
I roll my eyes and try it on, pulling it over my body.

"Victoria, you have to wear that. You look amazing!

"Oh I don't know. I feel stupid"

"If you don't wear that dress then there's no point in even going" she tries to explain

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