Chapter 2

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*Author's note: hi everyone, welcome back to another chapter of this exciting tale. If you forget, Brayden is Bugs, Dominic is Daffy, is Captain Gomez is Speedy, and Pedro is Porky. Enjoy! 😊

" we concluded that this guy was not homeless and got dragged in the middle of the street after the murdered occurred, elsewhere." Dominic explained to the Captain once him and Tina were able to piece some of the evidence together.

"Hmm, I see. Was there any other kind of evidence that you might have found to at least inform the family and friends of the victim." Captain Gomez asked, curiously.

"Not really. Other than the lack of blood spatter at the crime scene, there's not a whole lot of information to even identify this man." Tina added with a shrug.

As the three of them tried to look for other clues to help build the mystery man's identity until a police officer walked over to them with a piece of bundled up clothing in his hand.

"Sir, you might want to have a look at this. We found it at the end of the street over there. It most likely belonged to your guy." The officer offered to the Captain.

"Thank you. We'll have to take it to the labs to confirm it, just to be sure." Captain Gomez said with a nod.

"A suit jacket? Why is that so important?" Tina asked in confusion while they take a closer look.

Until Dominic was able to figure out the significance of it.

"Because this jacket is not just some regular, business suit. There appears to be an embroidery on the inside of the seams here. See? It belongs to a corporate bank company. That might be the last place that he was seen alive." Dominic concluded.

"On it. I'll call all the bank locations and see if they're missing an employee that was supposed to come in this morning." Tina planned with a nod in understanding while pulling out her phone to make some calls.

"Great job, Officer Daniels. Maybe you are ready to be a part of the Homicide Unit." Captain Gomez complimented him with a pat on the back.

"Oh. I don't know about that. I still get very antsy and squeamish around dead bodies whenever the smell hits my nose." Dominic noted nervously, shaking his head.

"Eh well, that's just a part of life. We all have to get over it at some point, right? Tell you what, you think it over for some time and when you're done with this case, you can give me an answer then." Captain Gomez offered.

"Alright, I will. Thank you Captain." Dominic responded with a simple nod while watching his boss leave the area to talk to other officers. 


I don't think I can handle this job much longer.

If I accept to be a part of the Homicide unit team.

Then that would mean that I have to be involved in more murder cases.

And I'm already too sick to my stomach with this one.

Dominic thought, holding his stomach tightly while looking on at the now, sealed up body in the CSI certified bags for further preserved evidence at the morgue.

Before he turned around to see that Tina had finally found some new information for their John Doe (unidentified male victim).

"Got one. There's a man named Wallace Terry that was supposed to come to his shift early this morning at the local CBB bank of Los Angeles to check on the main vault of the facility. But he never showed up." Tina informed him. 

"Great. We'll start from there. Come on, let's get out of here." Dominic said while trying walk away quickly from the street.

"Ha! Oh, so now the overly confident sleuth is going to leave his own scene. That's hilarious." Tina teased him.

"If you leak one word of this to the Captain, I will make sure that you pay for all of those stupid beer 'taps' you have been asking me to cover for you." Dominic grumbled in warning.

"Ah, come on Dom. I was just kidding. You know I was joking right?" Tina said in a laugh as they into their shared cop car and drove on over to the CBB (Commonwealth Business Bank) bank.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the town, Brayden was observing Dominic and his team when he starts to notice that they are currently working on a homicide in the moment.

"It looks like that there is a case going on, right now. But I think there might be a way that I can help." Brayden offered, curiously.

"Nope. Don't l even think about it, Brayden. You need to stay out of their business. It can get him into trouble." Pedro advised, with his eyes rolled in annoyance.

"Why not? It wouldn't hurt to take a look at the place. Plus, I'm not using the suit. So, it'll be like I'm blending right in with the community. Don't do anything yet, until I get back." Brayden planned on before immediately running off to grab a few things for his secret stakeout.

"No, Brayden! Wait!-" Pedro tried to yell out until he realized that Brayden had already left and gave up.

"Oh forget it, he's gone." Pedro added in a mumble, wavering his hand off.

"I don't understand why he can't just talk to him like a normal person." Lola said, shaking her head before pulling up her phone to check on some messages.

"I know right? Well, I guess it's just me and you then. But if we're going to be staring at this screen all day long, we might as well order some takeout." Pedro suggested.

"Sorry, I can't. My family is having lunch later with an old friend and his family. So, I have to leave soon." Lola spoke while scrolling through the social media on her phone.

"What?! So, you're just going to leave me here all by myself?!" Pedro sputtered out, flabbergasted.

"Why not? Today is your day off at your other job, right? You can just go home to your wife and take some time to relax. Unless, you want to tell her all about your extracurricular activity that you do in your spare time." Lola teased with a laugh.

"Very funny. She'll kill me if she finds out that this is my dedicated life work instead of that low run of a job at the accounting firm." Pedro said with a 'really?' look on his face.

"Good luck. We're both only a phone call away if you ever need us." Lola said, patting on his shoulder before taking off.

"Sure, have fun." Pedro mumbled in an exhausted sigh before resuming back to his hacking routine.

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