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* " (orchestral music sounds ) The 'Europe Gate'. Curious? Let's Go. 

******, Missouri, not Liberion, America. 

We are in the base of our own and another world's forces. ( Shows Christina ) 

Say, Sargent, what you got there?" She shows her 'UFC' and ' Pro Wrestling'

Title Belts. " Ah, redefines, 'fighter'." 

" We are in the streets, and seeing 'fast food' and other 'specialty' shops. "

" Looking for 'goods'? Well, 'WalMart' & 'Target' might be a best bet" Shows,

some merchandise. 

" Ah, a new 'media' rises its' head, 'TV' or 'Television'. Actually 'Flatscreen', showing

'Warden Shows'. " 

" The young 'warriors' prepare to engage in 'fencing' 'Star Wars' style. ( Christina stands,

and sweeps back hood. Yoshika steps up, draws 'sabers'. Christina, 'Katana'.) 

Whoa! Talk about a 'clash' of 'styles' and 'weapons'."

" Another 'technological' feat, 'Cell Phones'. Two types, 'Flip', like used by General Potter,

or 'touch screen', used by Sgt. Barkhorn.  What is this? Perrine Clostermann, having a 

'folding' phone? What will these 'people' think of next?" 


( News Reel ends with 'visuals' by, 'Pathe' ')  

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