'E - Sport '

4 0 0

New York City, Central Park

" All right, all right. I'm Jubal Valentine, 'General Manager' of this charity 'E - Sport event'.


( Can't Stop, plays )

Christina comes out with microphone. " Yukari Akiyama! I don't appreciate, being 'insulted' 

on 'Social Media'. If you got a 'spine', come out here, and face me!" 

( Dream Riser,plays) 

" You 'Floof haired, empty headed' dumbkopft. Calling me out, calling me 'Jabroni', is 

a 'one way' ticket to, 'Smackdown - ville'. So, with it said, I'm going to settle 'things',

by taking your 'title' by, KARLSLAND STREET FIGHT!!!", said Christina. 

And, Christina won. 


" So, a 'Gate' solidified on your 'School Ship' at the same time my live streams come about?", 

asked Christina. "Yeah. The ' text smackdown', was Yukari's idea, not mine.", said Miho Nishizumi.

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