The 'Third'

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Christina was running through the corridors, as if 'drawn' to 'something'. She passed,

Pierce and 'company'. "Excuse,me!" She made her way to her 'Strikers', and went in and 

flown off. 'Slightly' behind the duo of 'Gates' a third. She flown in. 

" Barkhorn, should be 'disciplined' for..," " Burns, It's up to me, and Commander Minna. 

If anything, Christina took 'initiative' more, than you did, sitting on your 'Ferret Faced Butt'!",

said Potter. " HHHHeeeellllpppp Mmmmeeee!!!!" The duo popped their heads out.

" GREAT JUMPIN'.., We got to help her!", said Potter. 

Christina laid, unconscious on a Devan. " She had been to, Japan.", said Sei Takanashi.

" We'll 'ask' once Christina recovers.", said Potter. " I 'smell' CAN - DY!", sang Erica lowly.

" Touch my candy, get on the other 'end' of, KARLSLAND SMACKDOWN!", said a NOW 

awake Christina. Erica 'slowly' stepped back. " Besides, that candy, belongs to ALL of us.",

said Christina. She turns to, Potter. " I was asleep in my shared quarters, and 'felt' this 

'whatever' hit, and ...," " Thought about, checking it out?", asked Potter. 

" Yes. Didn't think I end up in, 'Japan'.", said Christina. Sei and Aira start their 'cuddle'. 

GATE: THROUGH THE GATETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang