Chapter 11

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Bernard was about to pull Dianna up from Jesse's chest when she punched Jesse across his face. She did it again and again and again until his nose started bleeding. "Why?" She screamed. 

"Enough!" Bernard pulled her up and set her aside. It all began to make sense now. Where he was during the premiering,  how he miraculously appeared in Paris when all of her problems began, and since he was in her Law school , obviously Jake's partner. How could she rule him out?  Now she knew. Her sight had always been misted by passion, friendship , love and hate. The only thing that could help her think straight was fear. It had always been like that. 

Jesse stood up shakily,  spitting out blood. His facial expressions did not match Jake's. No. He looked scared and confused and angry all at once. He looked at Dianna and spat out his words. "I didn't do it, you stupid bitch. "

Bernard looked at him in plain disgust and punched him way harder than Dianna had or could. As for Dianna, his words didn't hurt. They gave her an eerie feeling. If Jesse was Jake, he wouldn't have denied it. If he were Jake, he'd be smiling right now. But he wasn't Jake. Maybe, he didn't share Jake's beliefs either. No, A Satan worshipper wouldn't have denied it.

She was being stupid. She saw him attack her. There was nothing more to it.

But there's always more to it.

"I thought I told you not to come. " Bernard looked hurt and relieved at the same time.  "Shoot me. " she said, walking away furiously. It hurt him to watch her leave, but he knew she wasn't something that could be tamed. 

He turned towards the girl. Her messy blonde hair now covered the skin. She wore a cheap cheetah print dress. Ambroise put his coat over her shoulders and said "There's a lot you have to tell us, ma'am.  "

Bernard walked up to Jesse and one look at him made him want to kill him. 

"Oficer, I" Bernard didn't let him speak. 

"Jesse Craige, you are under arrest for the murders of Clarise Petit and Angela Beuz and attempted murders of Stacey Disher and Toni Anderson. I suggest you keep your pie hole shut because anything you say can be used against you. "

He bent his head and shoved him in the police car and watched him go. Good riddance. 

Now that the killer was found, he thought,  maybe he could talk to Dianna about things other than the case. Maybe, he could have a life outside of work. 

He drove off to her place, smiling unconsciously.  He felt stupid. What was he going to say to her? God knows. To him, the real mystery this whole time was her. It didn't take him long to realise that his attraction towards her wasn't just physical. 

He pulled over in front of her whitewashed abode, not as a cop, but as a young man who worked too hard, just like her. 

But his smile faded away and his muscles flexed when he saw Felix with his arms around her at her door. He had nothing against Felix,  but he felt this sudden urge of breaking his bones. No.  What was he thinking? She already had a life. She had Felix, and he, on his part, would always be the cop.THE COP.

His phone rang. It was Ambroise. He didn't want to take it, but what else could he do? It wasn't like he had a girl to impress. He flipped it open. "What?" 

He walked towards Dianna and Felix and said "You two, stay right here and do not move out. Somebody hit the car Jesse was being taked in. Possibly a partner. The driver is dead, and Jesse has escaped." 

Jesse. The harmless, sweet guy she was crushing over escaped and would probably come aft her. Such a thought should have scared her. It didn't.  

"Felix," Bernard continued with a lot of visible effort.  "Stay with her. Make sure she doesn't get away." 

"I sure will. " was his reply. 

Dianna rolled her eyes. She was really being babysat by Felix. But as Bernard left, she realized she would've gone, too if it wasn't for the babysitter. 

As they went inside, she thought telling him about her past. About Jake, about John, About Claire. 

She paused in the hallway to speak." Felix, I..."

He held her from her neck and smashed her head on the mirror above the mantle. She fell on her carpeted floor and blacked out. And there were hours to go before she came back to her senses. 

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