Chapter 15 - The End.

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There was an emptiness in the courtroom. She could hear words and echos, but  it was hollow. The only thing that was full was the way Miller looked at her when she was on stand. 

Four days back, she couldn't think of her past without panicking. And now, there she was, saying those words out loud. She liked that. She liked not having  secrets for once. 

The trial was short. Everybody knew what the verdict was going to be. This didn't even need a trial. Charged for two-hundred murders. Huh. It was over before she knew it. Miller was their problem now. He wasn't going to live another month. She was relieved,  but slightly disheartened.  Death was too easy for him. He deserved life. They were giving him exactly what he wanted.

She saw Bernard sitting on the bench outside. No cops in the courtroom. They made that pretty clear. She went and sat next to him. He was smiling. It was nice to see him smile. He looked pretty. 

"It's over. " he said. 

Just then, she remembered Miller's last words. And how Felix never really looked at her that night. Why was that?

"He did it. He said I belong to the devil now. " She didn't believe in God, so she had no real reason to believe in the devil. But she had been through the most bizarre times, so she chose to keep an open mind. 

She also felt that someone, somewhere was watching her. To keep her safe. She couldn't have been that lucky. First, finding that beer bottle to kill Jake, and then Felix opening her knot just in time, and Stacey's memory coming back. It wasn't natural. And the only person she could think of was her mother, smiling at her from the heavens. 

"Does the devil want you, though?" Bernard said, smirking. 

She laughed, then put her hand in his. His smile faded away. "There's something I've been wanting to ask you . "

"I know." she said, leaning forward and pressing her lips against his. Almost automatically,  he put his hand on the small of her back and pulled her closer. Her hand shuffled through his hair and his shivered behind her neck. 

She liked it. For once, she didn't have to be strong. For once, she could be weak.

She felt safe. It was alright. Everything was alright.  





Quote : 

" The truth is : she needed to escape. Not like a prisoner, but like a ray of light. But how could she? Her reality was a black hole.  " 

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