v. familiar faces

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Music blasted in Jungkook's car as his manager drove him to hanok. About an hour into the ride— almost at their destination, they crossed a small town and Jungkook heard a noise from outside. Intrigued by the sound, he paused the music and rolled his window down only a little to let the sound in.

It was familiar.

If he was correct, he had heard something similar while he was staying in Qatar for his performance at the FIFA World Cup 2022. He didn't remember the name, but he remembered that someone had told him the sound meant that the Muslims were being called to prayer.

He kept his music paused for the entirely of the time the call to prayer happened since he remembered having to pause his rehearsals in Qatar for it too— out of respect.

He had to admit, as much as he was a nonbeliever in any sort of religion, the sound was relaxing as it hit his ears. Even though he didn't understand a word of what was being said, the way it was said made him close his eyes and lean against the seat.

A few minutes later, they stopped in front an old fashioned hanok with a huge courtyard in the middle. He guessed this is where he would be staying so he just got out of his car.

His manager followed after him, looking around for any breach of security. Jungkook looked at the older man and held up a hand, "You can leave now," He told the manager.

"Are you sure, sir? I can walk you in and look around the place to see if it's suitable."

Jungkook shook his head, "No, it's fine. I'm a grown man. Just go back now."

The manager looked like he wanted to say something else, but nodded and walked back to the car.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head. He couldn't believe it... He was basically being grounded. It was crazy. A grown man, 26 years old and he was being grounded for doing normal adult things like smoking, drinking and partying. This was the part of his job that he completely hated, more than anything else.

As the car drove away, Jungkook walked through the small gate, eyes looking around the area. It seemed... humble, to say the least. Very traditional and old fashioned— not really his style, but it was fine. He would be fine.

With his bag on his shoulder, he walked into the courtyard in search of the owner, but instead he ended up spitting a girl kneeled down on the floor. She seemed to be talking to herself, though he couldn't see her properly— her back to him and a tree covering the upper half of her body. She was barely visible.

"Hello. Aren't you a pretty little kitty?" He furrowed his brows, recognising the voice, but not being able to put a face on it.

He walked a little closer, still confused, "Oh, you like me?" His eyes widened as saw her veiled head, quickly putting two and two together. The realisation hit him like a ton of bricks.

He peered around the tree— making sure of his suspicions before he said anything. There had been plenty of times he had been completely wrong and embarrassed himself beyond recovery. But no, as he peered over, he saw the side profile he has basically studied for years was right in front of him. It was her.

It was...

"Yuwon?" He thought out loud.

At the sound of his voice, the girl stiffened, her whole body freezing.

..'• 🪔•'..


Noor recognised his voice immediately. She didn't know how, given that she hadn't talked to him or even heard him in years, but she recognised him. She also recognised the name he had called her— the name that used to be her indentity.

Quickly, she fixed her hijab to cover up completely then and taking a deep breath in, stood up and faced him by turning around. She kept trying to keep her cool as much she could, dusting her hands off. She cleared her throat, but didn't speak yet, not knowing what to say.

"Oh my God, it is you," His eyes widened, "Y-you're here? You're in Korea?"

"I am... yeah."

"But I thought you were— You've been here the entire time?"

"No, I just got back." She replied, keeping her sentences short and to the point.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Jeon Jungkook from B—"

"I know who you are, Jungkook," She said, "I remember. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you do remember me?" His eyes seemed to light up at that, a small smile on his lips. He looked her over, until his eyes landed on her head— more specifically the scarf wrapped around it. "I um— I'm staying here for a bit, on break."

"Oh okay... well um... if you'll excuse me then," She said, going to walk past him. He held out his hand, as if to grab her arm and stop her but she quickly moved away. "Don't touch me," She said, her tone a bit snappy since she was caught off guard by his attempt.

"Sorry," He immediately apologised, stepping away from her to establish a safe distance, his arms awkwardly falling to his sides, "I'm sorry. I- that was dumb, I'm really sorry."

"it's fine," She sighed, calming herself down. "Just please, be respectful."

"I'm sorry," He said again, "But I'm just so confused... You left Korea, didn't you? No one's known where you've been for four years and suddenly I see you here, I was caught off guard. Where have you been?"

"I um... that's a hard question. I've sort of been everywhere I guess."

"Were the rumours true then? You really did leave because you became a Muslim?"

"Yes, I think that's pretty obvious."

"Well I'm sorry, but you can't blame me for not believing those rumours. It seemed pretty unlikely."

"And why is that?" She folded her arms over her chest.

"It's not something that happens often. You were a kpop idol of all things, of course I wouldn't believe that you somehow magically found God," He shrugged, "I just thought you spread that rumour because you were done with fame."

"You thought I used religion to get away from fame at the peak of my career?"

He got embarrassed, cheeks a little red and just shrugged again, "I don't know. Maybe the paparazzi or the media attention was too much. It wasn't a crazy accusation. It was either that or you somehow ended up being dragged into a cult or something."

"Okay, so you think I was either lying about my faith or being forced into a faith, despite being a grown adult with a mind of my own?"

"Being a grown adult doesn't mean you can't be manipulated."

"And simply believing in something different and choosing a different lifestyle than yours means I'm in danger?" She asked.

"If the belief you're talking about is known to be destructive and violent, then yeah, I'd say it's a pretty valid conclusion to think you're in danger— since I don't know you to be a violent person."

"Oh, and you know me so well?" Noor crossed her arms over her chest, eyes narrowing, "Your ideas about Islam and muslims are a clear indicator of your arrogance so please, keep your mouth shut if you're getting all your information from islamophobic propaganda."

"Propaganda? Oh, you're so far into their lies that you don't see reality?"

Noor closed her eyes, trying to keep her calm. When she responded her eyes, she kept a neutral expression, "Fine. Think whatever you want. I'm in no mood to argue with you. I'd rather spend my time in better places," She walked past him, retreating to her room.

Watching her walk back and her door closing, Jungkook slapped his forehead and shook his head, "Great job. Really good job, Jungkook. See her for the first time in years and completely insult her. That was a great move..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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