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Hearing the soft jingling of chimes in the distance pulls your attention away from the firewood you were gathering for Urokodaki. Curious, you carry what few chopped logs you've collected and head back towards the house where the jingling gets louder.

"Hello?" You call out to the man whose form slowly becomes visible through your senses as he gets closer to you.

Tanjiro, having heard your voice, exits the house to see who it is you're speaking to. He's a bit confused when he spots the odd looking man wearing a mask and a hat with chimes. The man, seemingly ignoring both of you, kneels down as he pulls a wrapped box from behind his back. Tanjiro tries his best to offer the man to come inside but the man simply rants on about the blades he crafted and their history.

Eventually the two of you are able to get the man to come inside where he introduces himself as Haganezuka. You and Tanjiro kneel in front of him as he finally gets to reveal your blades. You allow Tanjiro to go first since you know he will be able to admire his blade properly unlike yourself. Plus, both him and Haganezuka seem extremely excited to witness it changing colors.

Haganezuka goes on about how he believes Tanjiro's sword will be red because of him being a child of the sun due to the color of his hair and eyes, claiming he's never seen a red sword before. You wait patiently, listening for them to explain what the sword looks like as Tanjiro finally takes in his hands. There's a beat of silence and you can only assume that the sword is taking a moment to change.

From Haganezuka's reaction, you know it didn't turn red as he had hoped. The swordsmith freaks out, berating Tanjiro for having a black sword which is deemed unlucky. It feels like forever until the man calms down enough for you to finally hold your own sword. Part of you is a bit sad that you won't get to witness it change color but hopefully somebody will describe it well enough for you to be able to picture it.

As Haganezuka opens the case, you gently reach out and trace your fingers across the sheath. It's made of a smooth and sturdy material and you can tell it's well crafted. With swift movements you pull it out of the box before unsheathing your blade, setting the sheath on the ground as you shift to hold the handle with both hands. Everyone waits with baited breath for it to change colors, wondering with immense curiosity what it will end up looking like.

You're a bit shocked when everyone gasps and you almost worry that your sword became a hideous color. However, the second Haganezuka starts ranting in excitement you realize that isn't the case. He goes on and on about how he had never seen a duel colored sword before, and while your sword wasn't completely red like he had hoped to witness, it was still partially red while being mostly white.

You sit there awkwardly as Haganezuka practically fawns over you and your sword, the man spilling a million questions from his lips as he asks about your breathing technique in attempts to figure out how it turned two different colors. You simply stutter, unsure how to answer him as your breathing technique doesn't really seem like it would result in a red sword.

After a while he finally calms down, saying goodbye to you as he heads off back to his home where he claims he'll be bragging about your sword to the other swordsmiths. As soon as he's out of the house you release a breath, your body physically sagging in relief. The man was a bit much and now you find yourself rather tired.

"I'm impressed, (Y/N)." Tanjiro smiles brightly at you despite you being unable to see. "It's amazing that you were able to change your sword into two different colors like that! The fact that a talented swordsmith like Haganezuka had never seen something like it before means it's super unique!"

You don't get much of a chance to respond as both yours and Tanjiro's crows appear outside, both of them cawing loudly about the two of you being needed for a mission. You're shocked that you're being sent on a mission so soon but you suppose it makes sense. Demons are everywhere, and they need as many slayers as possible to defeat them, so sending you out as soon as you receive your swords makes sense.

Departing from Urokodaki's home shortly after receiving your blades was bittersweet. Within the two years spent with him, you began to see him much like your grandfather. After being abandoned by both your mother and Yoriichi, and losing Tanjiro's family, it was nice to finally have someone to look up to. Sadly, now that you're a demon slayer you have to leave him behind but you promised to send Hitomi with letters for him whenever you can.

Now you, Tanjiro, and Nezuko are on your way to your very first mission. You were rather pleased that the two of you were being sent to the same place as it means you wouldn't have to spend even more time apart from the two of them. It also means that you wouldn't have to struggle through your first mission alone.

The only time you fought demons was during the Final Selection and that was decently easy as most of the demons were starved and weak, on top of being confined to the top of the mountain. Now you would be heading into a town where there's civilians and more chances for innocent casualties. Hopefully the training you and Tanjiro did over the years is enough for you both to succeed in your mission.

Here is the drawing I made of your sword

~~~~~~~~~Here is the drawing I made of your sword

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