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You, Tanjiro and Nezuko all make your way to Asakusa where your crows informed you to head due to rumors of a demon hiding there. You're somewhat thankful that you're blind once you make it there due to Tanjiro's reaction to all of the lights. Growing dizzy, he quickly leads you and Nezuko by the hands to a more secluded area with less lights.

"Two yamakake udon, please." Tanjiro requests from the udon cart as you and Nezuko rest on a nearby bench. He sits on the other side of Nezuko as he sips at the drink he received, you sipping on your own. You nearly spit it out in shock as Tanjiro suddenly stands up before sprinting off.

You debate with yourself for a moment on whether or not you should remain with Nezuko or if you should follow after him. He seemed shocked and determined when he took off, making you curious as to what caused the reaction. Making up your mind, you whisper a quick apology to Nezuko before taking off after Tanjiro, trying your best to sense him in the large crowds.

You unsurprisingly get lost rather quickly, everyone's aura's melting together into one giant overwhelming blob. Needing to get away from it, you stumble into an alleyway, slipping your getas back on so everything goes away. You lean against a wall, trying your best to calm down after the overload of your senses.

Once you're feeling better you straighten up, ready to get back to searching for Tanjiro. What you're not expecting is to almost instantly run into someone as you hadn't bothered taking off your getas again. "I'm so sorry!" You immediately bow, knowing it's your fault that you ran into the person. When there's no reply you stand up straight, tilting your head curiously. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I? I apologize if I did."

The other person doesn't respond, leaving you feeling slightly awkward as you can sense them staring at you. You don't say anything else as they continue to stare at you for what feels like forever before they finally start to walk away. Confused, you wait for them to get further away before shaking off the encounter and heading off to search for Tanjiro again.

Meanwhile Tanjiro is already heading back to where he left you and Nezuko, feeling bad for leaving the two of you so suddenly. As he approaches the udon cart, he quickly realizes that you're nowhere to be seen. The only people there are his sister who is steadily dozing off and the angry udon cart owner. And despite knowing you can take care of yourself Tanjiro finds himself worried of where you could've disappeared to especially knowing Muzan was in the area.

Quickly grabbing Nezuko, he drags the poor sleepy girl along as he rushes off in search of you. He doesn't make it very far before he runs into Yushiro, said demon displeased at having to retrieve the two of them. He orders the two of them to follow him but Tanjiro tells him he cannot. Irritated, Yushiro snaps and questions him as to why.

"My friend! She disappeared from where I left her with Nezuko and I need to find her." Tanjiro bows deeply, apologizing for causing an inconvenience.

"How is that my problem? She can find her way to you on her own." Yushiro snarls, already turning to leave.

Tanjiro quickly runs to catch up to him. "She's blind! Please just let me go find her! I promise it won't take long!"

Yushiro hesitates slightly upon hearing that you're blind. He turns around to glare at the other boy, wondering why he would weigh himself down with not only his sister but also a useless blind girl. "Hurry up! I'm not going to wait long so if you're not back here in ten minutes you'll have to find your way on your own!"

Tanjiro quickly thanks him, leaving Nezuko with him so he doesn't have to continue dragging her around as he searches for you. Yushiro doesn't seem pleased about being left with the dozing demon girl but he knows that he doesn't have much of a choice. If he returns without Tanjiro, Tamayo will certainly scold him and that's not something he wants.

Meanwhile Tanjiro is rushing through the busy streets once again, this time in search of you rather than Muzan. He tries his best to follow your scent, but it's not as intense as the scent that Muzan gave off. He can barely smell it amongst the many other scents of the people around him. His only hope is to keep moving until the scent gets stronger.

Luckily, it doesn't take long. After a few moments he comes to a stop, breathing deeply as your scent becomes stronger than before. Perking up, he quickly scans the crowd before spotting you standing near an alleyway, clearly overwhelmed by your surroundings. He calls out to you, making your head snap in his direction.

Relief instantly floods you as Tanjiro approaches you, pulling you into a gentle hug. He was extremely worried about your sudden disappearance and seeing you safe and sound nearly made him collapse from relief. He was terrified that you might've encountered Muzan but as he looks over you he sees that you're perfectly fine.

"I'm sorry!" You instantly apologize once Tanjiro pulls away from the hug. "I got worried when you ran off and tried to follow you but I got lost. I didn't mean to make you worry."

He smiles gently at you as he pats the top of your head. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're safe."

You smile as well only for it to falter slightly. "Where's Nezuko?"

"Ah!" Tanjiro jolts as he remembers Yushiro and his sister waiting for the two of you. "I left her with a new friend. We're going to their home to discuss a few things that happened so I'll fill you in once we get there."

With that Tanjiro leads you back to where the others are waiting. Yushiro instantly scolds the boy for taking so long before marching away, completely ignoring your presence. You feel a bit awkward but follow Tanjiro anyways. You have no idea what happened while the two of you were apart from each other but you know he'll explain everything once you reach the home of whoever it is he met.


🔅Tanjiro wasn't expecting you to try to follow after him and he felt bad that you got lost because of him

🔅After exiting the alleyway, you quickly grew overwhelmed from the amount of people in the area. You were too scared to try and venture further and simply hoped Tanjiro would find you

🔅The person you ran into in the alleyway was actually Muzan

🔅Muzan was irritated when you ran into him especially after his encounter with Tanjiro. However, upon noticing your covered eyes he quickly decided to let the incident go as it was obvious you truly didn't mean to run into him

🔅Muzan noticed that you were a demon slayer but figured you wouldn't be a threat so he didn't bother killing you

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