The Visit

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Author's POV

Once (y/n) had opened her eyes to greet a new day she realized how warm she was and felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around her "good morning, my dear. Did you sleep well?" Kira lovingly asked her sister "yes, I did" (y/n) responded cuddling back into her sister's warm body. Kira chuckled at this and released the reaper from her embrace "I'm sure breakfast will be ready any minute now. Let's get ready and head down" The demon tried to coax the reaper out of the comfort of her bed finding the task hard but not impossible "I'll head down to my own wardrobe. Pick whatever you like, we have no plans for today" Kira said as she left (y/n) alone in the room. Finding all the strength she could the reaper motivated herself enough to get out of her bed and pick her wardrobe for the day.

The two sisters met once more down the hallway and walked together the rest of the way to the dining room. On the stairs, the pair met up with Arthur "ah, mistresses. I was just about to tell you breakfast was served" The pair of sisters smiled and followed the butler to the table where crepes and French toast were being served "thank you, Arthur dear~" said Kira as she looked over at the butler. (y/n) didn't question it but she noticed the slight blush on the butler's cheeks when he glanced at her sister or when Kira spoke to him "(y/n), darling. In just two more days you'll meet Lord Phantomhive and Lord Trancy. Are you excited perhaps?" questioned the demon "I'm a little nervous but yes, quite thrilled" she admitted "all tasks are taken care of. We can just relax until then" Kira looked at her sister with the usual loving glance, but her eyes held worry and guilt in them. Though the younger of the two creatures failed to notice the emotions hidden behind the eldest's eyes.

Two days had come and gone in what seemed like a flash. Perhaps it was because the days were uneventful or because they finished what they needed to do early on, but either way all the inhuman pair could do was relax and enjoy the time they had with each other. Although (y/n) had noticed that her sister left for small amounts of time with one of the butler brothers every now and then she paid it no mind, assuming her sister was off feeding off the men.

Waking up on the day of the tea party (y/n) felt the excitement and nervousness fighting with each other throughout her body. Today she would not only meet people of high status, but she would also be meeting new people for what seemed like the first time. With a smile and an encouraging message from her sister (y/n) happily chose her wardrobe for the day. The (f/c) fabric felt soft to the touch and the elegance of the dress was just casual enough to give off an inviting image that the reaper felt happy to show off to the manor staff "you look lovely, mistress" complimented the older purple-haired butler "thank you, Allister. Is the garden ready for today?" she asked with a shy smile and a faint blush adorning her cheeks "of course, my lady" (y/n) smiled and went on with her day, thrilled for what would take place in a matter of hours.

As the hour of the party crept closer and closer (y/n) began to grow worried. Throughout the day she had looked around the mansion for her sister but luck appeared to have left her side just as her sister had apparently also done. Just as she was about to lose all hope of her sister joining her before the party to hype her up she heard a familiar voice "Sorry I'm late darling, I didn't want to be hungry while we had guests" (y/n) turned her body to the source of the voice and gasped. What she saw was her sister in a beautiful red dress with black highlights and a matching hat. Even if she were wiping the blood off her fangs Kira still managed to look as pretty as ever "You look absolutely stunning, my dear" (y/n) blushed at the compliment "you look lovely too, Kira" The demon descended the stairs and joined her sister, latching their hands together they made sure everything was ready for the Lords' arrival.

Kira wore an anxious glance as the sisters waited, (y/n) dismissed it not knowing what was truly eating away at the demon. Nearly an hour later a knock could be heard at the door, both butlers rushing over to open the door. Arthur and Allister came back with four new people in tow "Lady (y/n), Lady Kira. It is our pleasure to introduce to you Lord Ciel Phantomhive and Lord Alois Trancy accompanied by their butlers" Speaking in unison the butler brothers introduced the visitors. Introductions and 'pleasure to meet you's were exchanged between the four nobles "Please do accompany us to the garden, my beloved put a lot of thought into this occasion" Kira tried to usher the guests outside and into the garden "Allister be a dear and show them the table. Arthur, please stay behind for a moment" Allister did as told and guided the guests out leaving the demon alone with the butler "let's clean up your neck, my dear. I don't want your wound to get infected" Said Kira as she dragged the butler into the nearest bathroom.

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