Part 2 - The Letter

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Heesung decided to read the letter because of Inha's plea.

He read: 

Hi Heesung! I hope you are doing well! I know it must have been painful that I broke up with you without any reason. I thought this would be less painful than saying I am going to die soon. A day before we broke up, I found out that I had a brain tumor and I would die soon. I am sorry for hiding it from you. I didn't want to upset you. I couldn't come up with a reason to break up with you. That is why I did it without any explanation. You can do better without me as you did for the past month. I hope you won't be held back by anything. I will always wish for your well-being. I apologize for breaking your heart. I never thought I would reveal the truth to you but I didn't want you to be kept in the dark for your entire life. I hope you like the last gift I gave to you. By the time you read this letter, I will be dead. So don't come searching for me. 

                                                                          - Yours Lovingly  Kim Dahyun                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

His eyes were filled with tears as he read the letter. He hated himself for misunderstanding her intentions. He picked up the gift he threw and opened the cover. The glass box outside was broken. He saw photos of himself inside the box. There were hundreds of photos of himself. He never knew that he was captured in the photo. He remembered that Noh Dahyun's hobby is to take pictures. But whenever he asked to take his pictures she came up with a reason . It turned out that she was lying and she took his pictures without him noticing. He was crying all night. He sat on the terrace seeing the stars and remembering the moments they spent together. Inha stayed by his side to comfort him. He kept the pictures safely in his room. He was depressed for a lot of days.

Days had passed before he started to live his daily life after moving on. He decided to go to his father's company to help him with business affairs. On his way to the office. He saw a man running away from the police. It seemed like a pickpocket case. He followed the man in his car and finally caught him after following him for quite some time. He handed over the man to the police. The police thanked him. Then, he headed straight to his dad's office. But he felt like something was odd with the man. He talked to Heesung as if he knew him. He felt like he had a deep bond with him. But he ignored it thinking that was some crazy thoughts in his head.

He reached the building, he searched for his dad. The secretary of his dad asked him to come to his father's cabin. He told to come soon as he had an important matter to discuss.

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