1. Chapter one

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I slept on the floor for the entire first week since I moved into my new apartment, not that I didn't have a bed or anything, I just didn't feel right on the bed.

It was my first everything really, first apartment, first time living alone, first time living in freedom, so the place was kinda empty, but it was gonna do.

I just would end up most nights drifting into sleep on the cold floor surrounded by assignments and books open in random chapters that I barely remembered reading when I woke up in the morning. You see I just graduated from high school, like four months ago, not top of my class but with sixty college credits that I'd accumulated from APs, AICEs, Dual enrollment anything I could get really, since I thought I had no way to pay for college. The truth is, since I could remember from being born in my sad attempt of a family, my dream was always to abandon them.

I know it sounds bad, trust me I heard it from enough people. People from church, people from our town, people who'd get to know the evil version of me my mother had carefully crafted for them way before even seeing my face. Narcissistic bitch. I was done to be honest. Not that I hadn't tried to escape before my eighteenth. Because I did, once at fourteen and twice at sixteen, they dragged me right back into the pit shortly after that.

But hey I finally did it folks, here I am, in my small-but-mine one bedroom apartment, I moved in last week, I kept attending community college after I won a scholarship that would help me pay my way through, what I earn at work could only support my car and this place.

I get up from the cold floor, back aching, stomach growling, god I hadn't eaten anything the whole day. I walk to the fridge and open it, eyes narrowing at the brightness hitting face and arms shivering in the cold air of it, I spot a half eaten Big Mac and a sprite from yesterday. Lord I gotta learn how to cook real food. It's not like I don't know how to cook, I know how to cook exactly four dishes and eat them all throughout the week until my taste buds get sick of it and begs me for trashy fast food. I don't think I'm a failure for not being a chef in the kitchen, contrary to what my family wanted me to think. I had bigger priorities like passing all those advanced classes and making money, so oh well...

I eat the food after heating it in the microwave, sipping on the soda as I check my phone for the time.

11:03am. Beautiful I woke up late. Not that I have anything to do it's a Saturday, I just like waking up early, makes me feel productive, less useless.

My phone rings twice before I pick up the call.

"Wassup?" I hear Alice say

"You called" I say still half asleep.

"Gee okay, late night yesterday?" She says in a teasing tone as if had anything other than books and files for company.

"Not really, I passed out on the floor"

"Again hoe? Damn your necks gonna hurt like a bitch if you don't lay your head in a pillow from time to time!"

"I know but it's just for now." Or just for the next two years until I finish my bachelors, and then it starts again for my J.D.

"You always say that but whatever...guess what did?"

"Haircut or murder?"

"Murder! Nah I'm fucking with ya, remember that dude you shagged last month?" Alice says, and I can already see where this is going.

"Oh gosh, yeah what do you do?"

"Okay so I saw him at a bar with a girl yesterday and I thought hey that's weird because Cris mentioned the guy hadn't like gone out for a year before her or whatever..."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 15 ⏰

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